Background: I am a homeschool mom of 5 - 4 girls and 1 boy. My husband and I were saved 13 years ago in a huge non-denomonational Christian church. We left there after attending several years. This began our journey with baptist churches. The first one we stayed at for 3 yrs only to learn they were very grounded in Calvinism. After studying about that we decided that we couldn't support that. So since then we have been visiting various independent baptist churches.
One church in particular we stayed at for 4 mos. This was my first exposure to "women only wearing skirts and dresses." It was a bit much at first but I began to wear them and required my girls to as well. Overall it was good as it helped me to address the modesty issue which I had had issues with. I was struggling with how some of my Christian friends and my girls' friends were dressing. So this helped me to reinforce this issue with my kids. But I started wearing them out of respect for the people in this church, not out of personal conviction.
My issue is that I don't have anything against wearing skirts/dresses; I like to wear them. But does this mean I can't ever wear pants?
I have been reading/researching this topic for a while now. I have read all kinds of things on both ends of the spectrum. I guess the main scripture referenced is Deut. 22:7. But after looking at that and studying it along with others in the old testament, I am not convinced.
There are 2 things that I am going over in my mind:
1) 1 Tim 2:9 (?) speaks of women wearing "modest apparel." The greek word for apparel is katastole, which defined means a lowering, letting down
a garment let down, dress, attire. So some say, "see that means you need to wear a dress or skirt." But others have said that pants are also "let down." etc. But for me, modesty is the issue here. One should not wear short shorts, halter tops etc. We need to cover our bodies and make sure that our clothes are not tight and revealing. But maybe I'm wrong?? I guess it is because God has not said, "thou shalt only wear a robe" or "thou shalt only wear a dress." I do not want to get into legalism with this. The other issue with this is with my older 2 girls, 13 and 15. They were not raised to only wear skirts/dresses. They are willing to do it for church and other gatherings, but to HAVE to wear them all of the time is where the struggle comes in. It creates bitterness and anger in my home.
2) Women only wore dresses/skirts until 50 yrs ago. So this tells me that it is definitely a cultural thing...BUT it is the culture in which I live!! I mean it is not the norm to only wear a skirt or dress. My girls have said to me, "mom we feel like outcasts!"
So I guess I am leaning more towards requiring them for church and other gatherings but still allowing pants/capris and modest shorts as long as they are not too tight and body parts are not exposed. I don't know how else to handle it....
thanks for any support/advice/encouragement you can offer.
One church in particular we stayed at for 4 mos. This was my first exposure to "women only wearing skirts and dresses." It was a bit much at first but I began to wear them and required my girls to as well. Overall it was good as it helped me to address the modesty issue which I had had issues with. I was struggling with how some of my Christian friends and my girls' friends were dressing. So this helped me to reinforce this issue with my kids. But I started wearing them out of respect for the people in this church, not out of personal conviction.
My issue is that I don't have anything against wearing skirts/dresses; I like to wear them. But does this mean I can't ever wear pants?
I have been reading/researching this topic for a while now. I have read all kinds of things on both ends of the spectrum. I guess the main scripture referenced is Deut. 22:7. But after looking at that and studying it along with others in the old testament, I am not convinced.
There are 2 things that I am going over in my mind:
1) 1 Tim 2:9 (?) speaks of women wearing "modest apparel." The greek word for apparel is katastole, which defined means a lowering, letting down
a garment let down, dress, attire. So some say, "see that means you need to wear a dress or skirt." But others have said that pants are also "let down." etc. But for me, modesty is the issue here. One should not wear short shorts, halter tops etc. We need to cover our bodies and make sure that our clothes are not tight and revealing. But maybe I'm wrong?? I guess it is because God has not said, "thou shalt only wear a robe" or "thou shalt only wear a dress." I do not want to get into legalism with this. The other issue with this is with my older 2 girls, 13 and 15. They were not raised to only wear skirts/dresses. They are willing to do it for church and other gatherings, but to HAVE to wear them all of the time is where the struggle comes in. It creates bitterness and anger in my home.
2) Women only wore dresses/skirts until 50 yrs ago. So this tells me that it is definitely a cultural thing...BUT it is the culture in which I live!! I mean it is not the norm to only wear a skirt or dress. My girls have said to me, "mom we feel like outcasts!"
So I guess I am leaning more towards requiring them for church and other gatherings but still allowing pants/capris and modest shorts as long as they are not too tight and body parts are not exposed. I don't know how else to handle it....
thanks for any support/advice/encouragement you can offer.