First off a hint for a newby: the whole Calvinism issue is a big point of contention here on the BB. Its been argued and will be argued until the Kingdom comes, so if you aren't looking to debate that particular subject, don't bring it up.
Modesty is also a contentious issue here and you will hear a variety of opinions.
For *me* modesty has more to do with attitude than clothing styles. Who are you presenting with your dress, God or yourself? Does Christ show clearly in your life?
Of secondary concern: where are you planted? Is your manner of dress going to make it easier or harder to present your faith to others? In *my* area, the skirt wearing crowd is completely ignored. Too many here have been told over and over again that this issue (and others similar like tobaccy and dancing) is an issue of salvation and those who particpate are headed to hell in a hand basket. And they reject not only that theory, but the God also. That crowd shows little of the fruits of the Spirit in their lives and it doesn't matter how they dress. They are worried to much about appearance and to little about the condition of their heart and their growth as a child of God. They have mistaken rule following for maturity.
So, in order to combat this sort of idea, I don't play the pants game. I played it well enough as a teen, where the members of the youth group who just accepted that "standard" turned right around and allowed sexual immorality in their lives and the ones in authority over us ignored that in favor of outward appearance! In the end it lead to the breakup of the church and that church is still struggling.
Bloom where you are planted.
However, I have a friend who dresses only/mostly in dresses and has waist length hair and she doesn't look dowdy or unstylish. She, after many conversations with yours truly, sees the "rule" she was raised with as a sign of feminity and has choosen to stick with what *I* see as legalism. I can't fault her for that.
Bloom where you are planted.
Only you and your husband can decide what constitutes modesty for your household. If your church makes dresses only a sign of salvation, you'll have to decide if you want to continue attending there. If you can wear dresses to church as a sign of respect to the standards of the fellowship and wear pants elsewhere without recrimination (as I did for many years as a teen) then do so and don't worrry about the apparant contradiction.
If you can't, keep looking for a church that suits your lifestyle. (oh yeah, you can expect I'll be called out for this view, that's alright, I argue a lot here!)
btw, I am also a homeschooling mother of 4. My eldest is entering her second year at university, my godson is entering his junior year at public school, my own son who is the same age is doing his junior year in homeschool and my youngest daughter will be entering 8th grade also in homeschool. You'll find we have quite a few homeschoolers here and ladies from every walk of life and experience.
Welcome to the BB!