I agree that the cartoon of the 18th is so ambiguous and open to interpretation that it is a waste and poor taste.
What my first thought was when I saw it, however, was the stimulus plan is so stupid, a monkey.... or monkeys could have written it for what its worth and would be better off DOA. ........I didn't think 'race' but can understand how some who view this stimilus plan as Obama's plan may consider it racist: But then, I frequently am at odds with some members on this board when I recognize some demonstrations of legislation and budgets as the responsibility of the Legislature..... when others still want to blame the President. I'm not sure then who is the monkey.... the one's who write and vote for the bills or the ones who post on this board and show their ignorance of the constitution enough to blame the President! I think a donkey would have been more appropriate.... but guess the woman whos friend got attacked by an ape is so recent it captured and overpowered the artist interest and imagination.
The recent cartoon showing two amputees, one being the recipient of government monies and assisted by his friends..... and the other being a citizen dependant on crutches and not a recipient ........ seems an interesting portrayal: Private citizens and big corporate interest are in positions to feel that the recent SNAFU in the financial, housing, and corporate markets have cost them 'an arm and a leg', but the financial and corporate giants get bailed out while leaning on each other for support..... and the individual is stuck paying the debts of stimulus and bailout after already sacrificing a limb: Definitely no racism there.