2 out of 3 players were black before this week as well.
It is because they feel that after these protests, being on the BLM side of the disagreement will be less damaging to their profits than being on the other side.
The NFL is 72% percent black, blacks are around 13% of the American population.
Unless the NFL can find a way to increase black and white SJW's interest in the game dramatically and get them to open up their wallets, it's over. This, combined with coronavirus, is going to speed up their death.
I think they should go full-blown BLM - have at least one game a year that's free and for black-only fans. Get Kappy back, quadruple his pay, let him start for the Rams. Disband all those off-duty cops working the games. Replace the national anthem with some rap song like "Cop Killer". Uber-wimp Goodall could go ahead and resign, then appoint Von or that other Colin to replace him.