And this is really interesting. Kaep is a huge Castro fan. How can you be against police brutality and support one of the biggest police brutality offenders in history?
Believe in… Castro? Nike Endorses Police Brutality by Embracing Fidel Fanboy…
True that Kaepernick is a Castro fan and true that the Castros are racists.
Apparently Nike is made in Cambodian sweatshops for pennies an hour.
Nike also came out with hijabs recently.
Is Nike on a jihad of just doing it no matter what the cost?
Is Kaepernick on a jihad? He is engaged to Muslim Vanessa Diab and is to have a Muslim wedding.
Also, Linda Sarsour, who says that we need to stop humanizing Jews, is a big fan of Kaepernick. And former Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tweeted praise for Kaepernick.
So does the NFL have a Nike jihad in their taxpayer funded stadiums?