Ryan Samsel is a United States political prisoner who has been subjected to horrific prison conditions in the last two years.
According to a
report by the Gateway Pundit, Samsel has been subject to vicious beatings, hogtied, tied to a chair for 12 hours, and could not receive medical treatment for his injuries.
Ryan Samsel Has Been Subjected to Deplorable Prison Conditions
Samsel gained notoriety on March 21, 2021 when correctional officers woke him up and zip-tied his hands.
Then, they took him to an empty cell where officers proceeded to beat him. Samsel ended up losing an eye during the beating. The following day, the guards gave him another beating, which also resulted in him only having partial use of his arm.
Who in this forum gives a rat’s *ss about this, just curious. The insider, Epps, instigated at every turn, & was standing next to this guy before the breech of the first barricade. Whatever happened to Epps btw……….ever wonder why several DC cops offed themselves? If I had ‘followed orders’ & watched something like this going down, I’d want to do the same. This is Third Reich stuff. And the people say……………It doesn’t affect me so……………