GOP Governor Asa Hutchinson (BJU grad) backs bill to end same-day celebration of the Confederate general alongside civil rights hero Martin Luther King:
U.S. News & World Report - Best States - Arkansas News
MLK Day would finally be a stand-alone state holiday. The bill "designates the second Saturday in October as a memorial day for Lee, marked by a gubernatorial proclamation but not a state holiday that would require any offices to be closed."
"This...reflects a high regard for the importance of the civil rights movement that changed America for good," Hutchinson said.
U.S. News & World Report - Best States - Arkansas News
MLK Day would finally be a stand-alone state holiday. The bill "designates the second Saturday in October as a memorial day for Lee, marked by a gubernatorial proclamation but not a state holiday that would require any offices to be closed."
"This...reflects a high regard for the importance of the civil rights movement that changed America for good," Hutchinson said.