Of course this is not the point though and we both know it, right? The point is I believe the rescued sinner remains saved whenever they sin and you do not. Hence my investigative question....
Have you yourself ever stepped in and out of salvation? Which you are afraid to answer.
Why are you afraid to answer? I answer absolutely every question anyone puts to me for one reason; to assure myself I am following correct doctrine. If a said belief cannot be witnessed playing out in my own life or in others then that said belief has some serious flaws.
You displaying your fear of answering my question only bolsters my point of this thread.
The question remains for you..... Have you yourself ever stepped in and out of salvation?
Have you yourself ever stepped in and out of salvation?
Has anyone ever sinned before they existed? did everyone sin the moment they were born?
Just an FYI, when you post scripture, I do not read it, not bc I do not love scripture, but since this is a thread for debating how one lives out what they believe and not a debate over scripture interpretation itself. Think of this thread like this, I could say I believe there is no God and post scripture to support my belief, now we would be debating the scripture I posted rather than my belief there is no God and what that means to me as I live out my life.
Ok, I can work with this, not sure about your pizza problem, but anyways....
So as you sin you believe you lose your salvation. This would mean that if you were to have a heart attack and die as you are in the act of a burst of uncontrollable unrighteous anger for instance, you would go to hell. Or if you walked past a homeless person and thought you should have done something but was too busy getting to another appointment, walked out in front of a truck and was killed, you would be damned to hell for that sin of failing to be the good Samaritan.
Ok, this helps me to understand your beliefs on salvation better. You believe sin is the central factor God looks to for judgment of one's salvation. It's all about the sin. That is interesting.
I believe salvation is all about Jesus Christ and nothing of myself. I believe sin is covered by the cross of Jesus Christ and since I am born of God I have been justified freely by His grace and God remembers my sin no more, not my past sins, my present sins nor my future sins, in fact He removes my sin as far as the east is to the west and when He looks upon me he sees no sin but looks upon me with the perfect love through Jesus Christ, which can only come from a perfect God. Just a sinner saved by grace. I believe I have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, and when I do sin Jesus says to the Father, "I paid for that sin too, this child is mine, I will correct him as he continues on".
I see it is all about the sinning for you, I find that sad actually. I believe I am saved through faith in the Son of God and not of myself, my sins are many and I sin everyday, every time I do wrong. for all wrong doing is sin, I am not a perfect being, this is why I need Jesus Christ and Him alone as my Mediator.
God is saving me from myself, for I cannot be sinless as you believe one needs to be and I cannot save myself from my sins. I need a Saviour. If I could be sinless I would have no need for Jesus Christ and His cross, nor his free gift of salvation/eternal life.
This is why I started this thread, it gives great insight into the motivation behind what one follows. Why they belong to a particular church or sect, what that church is teaching them and how one's beliefs causes them to live out their lives in a particular way.
I commend you for your honesty and willingness to state your position. It gives me and others here an understanding of what is being taught in the RCC churches. I believe your focus on the person sinning rather than on the Person doing the saving from the sinning is misdirected, but at least your are not afraid to state your beliefs.
Jesus Christ is doing the saving no doubt. But you seem to think he died to satisfy some spiritual mechanic by which you are now free to sin in heaven.
The sinner is the HIGHEST PRIORITY. Jesus doesn't need your help, You need his help. But whats your standard? You expect some beam of light to shoot out the sky and zap you to heaven in a sinless state. The beam of light is the gospel Jesus preaches, the instructions he gives you .
When you get to heaven there is no more sinning for you.
Jesus Christ can DO ANYTHING absolutely anything. But you seem to think he can't even teach you to tie your own shoes.
You believe God is that stupid? that he is incapable of teaching you how to not sin?
Your short coming does not outweigh his greatness.
Its true believe your driving instructor and you will drive a car safely. He gives instructions of practice and things we should do. But you say to yourself of course I drive safely i believe in my driving instructor......right into a brick wall.
Jesus teaches and says to learn from him. We are taught Jesus is our exemplar.
I didn't see Jesus grovel on someone else to save him. His priorities are on Love God and Love neighbor.
"I believe I have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, and when I do sin Jesus says to the Father, "I paid for that sin too, this child is mine, I will correct him as he continues on".
This is true. Hence your not in heaven, neither am I and we are not biting each other's head off, you are here talking to me, we are being CORRECTED as we continue on.
Also we don't follow a COURTROOM legalism with an obsession over Salvation. Our obsession is Love God and Love neighbor.
We don't spend hours at the dinner table declaring God is going to shoot or damn these guys but he is not going to shoot us.
Every thread on this board has to do with obsession over one's salvation taking precedence over the COMMAND of GOD.
There is people who will not do the command of God because it doesn't pay out in salvation, that is pathetic.
"So as you sin you believe you lose your salvation. This would mean that if you were to have a heart attack and die as you are in the act of a burst of uncontrollable unrighteous anger for instance, you would go to hell. Or if you walked past a homeless person and thought you should have done something but was too busy getting to another appointment, walked out in front of a truck and was killed, you would be damned to hell for that sin of failing to be the good Samaritan."
You can feed everyone in the world, never anger, makes no difference, a fear based motive of survival in salvation, has no righteousness. Love has to be the motive.
I don't believe you are worst then anyone and its by the grace of God we're not the next crazy mass murderer. I think life is a classroom rather then a courtroom.
My Calvinist buddies are still "SHOCKED" and "SURPRISED" by the miracle that GOD would even bother to save "a wretch" like them. Because they EXPECTED God to be a whole jerk rather then half a jerk.
Is God going to kill me or not? is God going to kill you or not?........ <-- is not the broken record theme we run daily.