Not sure to which Bush you refer, but if you are suggesting that GWB gave leadership and victory you are dead wrong. While you could certainly argue that Obama has not handled this well, this is GWB's mess.
There was a reason former President George Herbert Walker Bush (who in terms of foreign policy was a great President) did not take out SH in Iraq: no viable exit strategy. Though he was a despot (and we should know), he provided something in the region: balance. He also protected Jews and Christians (don't forget: his former Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz was/is a Christian). Now SH is gone, along with most of the Jews and Christians.
GWB listened to the crazy NeoCons, who all but assured us that we would be embraced as liberators. His Administration is the one who gave the order to invade Iraq. Now there is no way out of this quagmire, as we are now forced to return to Iraq (yet again), attempt to restore order in Iraq (yet again), and spend billions of dollars (yet again). If this is "victory," I shudder to think of what would constitute defeat. If he was a "leader," exactly what was the exit plan?
Until January 20, 2017, GWB is, IMO, the worst president ever. He will be the 2nd worst on January 21st. By that time, we will have - at least - 3 endless wars. But then again, there is, unfortunately, still plenty of time to start more wars. Perhaps we can start one in Syria, and take out Assad, who also protects Jews and Christians, along with the Alawite Muslims.....