You did?
I must have missed that.
My apologies, as all I have paid attention to were your current threads and posts.
What I am seeing is you basically arguing in favor of mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and so forth.
Again, if I'm in error, please correct me.
Either God's people can count on Him, even in times like these, or we cannot.
Which is it, my friend?
As do I.
But ultimately I don't trust men or modern medicine to do right by me,
and watching from the sidelines, I can see why He has told His people not to.
I see a pharmaceutical industry that is profiting like mad off this, and I see government over-reach beginning to show itself in America like I've never seen before.
Someone has to pay for mandated vaccines and masks, Jon, and it's not the government.
They get their money from the taxpayers.