No, I have no malfunctions. You simply lack the manhood to tell the truth. You posted from two individuals, Kulinsky and Chomsky, both of whom are Marxists. I study people too. And you posted from both of them without any qualifications about them. Given your past rhetoric about Trump, you have already made your feelings about him pretty obvious. If you have studied out Chomsky and you still post the clap trap that he espouses, that makes it even worse.
If you had a legitimate point to make in that video, you could have posted anyone else to make that point, but you posted a extremely vile man who not only hates Trump, but hates this country and you posted it from the account of Kulinski who is a man all about destroying our country. So you can try to cover it all up with what amounts to "nothing" post, but your true beliefs come out in the kind of garbage from an anti-Christian, anti-America radical that you posted as the OP in this thread on a Christian board, no less.
And yet you insist on posting in and starting threads on politics.
So you don't really want the Lord in your life and you want life on your terms. That would explain why you would post something from an anti-Christian. One day, you will stand accountable to the Lord and you will find that living life on your terms will serve you well in eternity. You have to face eternity without God and without hope in eternal destruction.