Well-Known Member
It isn’t just the name or the person but also the content of the message preached.One must be cautious in proclaiming salvation is in the “name” of Jesus......The name itself doesn’t save, but the person bearing that name (as well as Emanuel, prince of peace, Lord, Christ, Messiah, ...) does the saving.
Also, when it comes to the actual name, is it Jesu, Joshua, Yeshua, Iso, ....? Over 90 some can be found...,,
There are many “faiths” that use the name of Jesus or Yeshua or others mentioned.
At what point does the content of the message become so different as to make such faith non-salvific? Or...are there folks here that believe a theology of a “response to the light given” by God is enough for salvation even if that message doesn’t include the truth about who Jesus is and what He did?
peace to you