Posted by Archangel
Originally Posted by DHK
If you simply take the term literally: salvation by submitting to Christ as Lord, then perhaps you are right. But that is not what LS means.
Please do a search on Paul Washer + Lordship Salvation and you will find out what the term means, and what is taught as Lordship salvation.
It does turn out to be salvation by works or by obedience.
One of Washer's favorite invitations is "Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved."
But how does a person repent of his sins? No one can remember all his sins much less repent of them. No such command is given in the NT.
That is gospel of works.
You're essentially fighting against a Strawman. No proponent of Lordship Salvation I know or have read (and I've read Washer to a small extent) claims what you're claiming here and on other threads.
That is why I recommended to you to do a search on Washer and Lordship Salvation. The statement above is an exact quote of someone else's link who was defending him. I am not setting up a strawman. Do a search and see what you find.
We affirm: Progressive sanctification. We deny that a "Christian" can be "Carnal." Here is a good statement by Jim Elliff (and I'll likely start a new thread on the subject of his article) that clearly presents 1 Corinthians 3:
Undoubtedly, however, Paul did suspect that some of the Corinthians were unbelievers, for he later warns them about such a possibility in 2 Cor.12:20-13:5. A long-term and unrepentant state of carnality, is, after all, the very description of the unregenerate (Rom. 8:5-14, 1 Jn. 3:4-10, etc.). In calling some people “carnal” Paul did not mean to imply that he was accepting as Christian a lifestyle that he clearly describes elsewhere as unbelieving. He wrote, in the same letter: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do not be deceived” (1 Cor. 6:9-11, etc.). Apparently there were some, even then, who were deceived into thinking that an unrighteous man or woman who professes faith in Christ could really be a Christian!
See more at:
This is totally unscriptural.
Paul writes in 1Cor.3:1-4, first to "brethren," and then calls them carnal. Why deny the Scriptures? They are carnal brethren, or carnal Christians because, as he tells them, they are still on milk and are not able to eat meat. The reason for that carnality was their propensity to follow the doctrines of false teachers, and then simply to give into the lusts of the flesh.
Paul wrote to carnal Christians.
Each chapter is filled with carnal problems.
In chapter one and two he deals with their divisiveness.
In chapter three he hits their carnality head on, and still attacks divisiveness.
In chapter four he must defend his apostleship because of false teachers.
In chapter five he rebukes them for immorality.
In chapter six he rebukes them for taking one another to court.
In chapter seven he deals with problems related to marriage.
In chapters 8-10 he deals with problems related primarily to idolatry.
In chapter 11 he deals with the problem of the abuse of the Lord's Table.
In chapters 12-14 he rebukes them for the abuse of the gifts of the Spirit.
In chapter 15, the great resurrection chapter, there are some that deny the resurrection!
--This was a carnal church where Paul dealt with carnal problems brought on by carnal believers. That cannot be denied. Any old commentary will say the same thing. The denial of such is a new doctrine.
Originally Posted by
Lordship Salvation was not known before the mid-20th century. It is a new doctrine. You won't find that term in older commentaries.
There's a simple reason for this. Before the mid-20th Century, no believer in his or her right mind would have thought that it was possible to follow Christ and yet remain in rebellion to God.
The Corinthians did just that, at least to some extent. The question is how long? It is always how long? When you sin (and we all do), how long is it before you repent (one minute, one hour, one day, one month, one year?)
The immoral man of 1Cor.5 who committed incest was a believer. He did repent. We find that our in 2Cor. But how long did it take? For how long did he remain a "carnal Christian"?
Your doctrine is not biblical. Rather it is novel.
MacArthur's writings, and the writings of others, are a reaction to error, not the development of new doctrine.
There has always been error; there has always been sin, and a need of repentance. There is nothing new here. The Calvinist have a need to attack non-Cals. Now, that is new. It used to be that they coexisted peacefully and fought the common enemy, Satan, together.
But, here's a practical question based on your assumption that Lordship Salvation is false:
What would you say to a gay person? Would you say that their lifestyle is OK with God and all they need do to be saved is "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?"
I'd imagine you would tell the gay person that their lifestyle was (and is) incompatible with being a Christian. And, if you do so, essentially, you believe in Lordship Salvation.
A total non sequitor.
We believe that fruit follows salvation.
LS advocates that fruit must be a part of salvation.
The reality of LS is that the thief on the cross was not saved because he showed no fruit in his life.