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not having children at all

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by stubbornkelly, Dec 19, 2002.

  1. And we are talking about square feet here. think about how big 1,000 square feet is...it is 100 feet by 100 feet...not much room. Now figure the food you will need to feed 6+ billion people. Now figure out how to keep the food sanitary and get it too those 6 billion people. Now you need to clothe those people, give them shelter, and adequate medical care. Now you need to give them an education. Remember you also need to police them. Getting more complicated isn't it?
  2. Then figure out how much of the earth- and Texas for that matter is actually habitable.
  3. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I dunno about the earth, but for Texas, anywhere that's within driving distance of a good steakhouse is what I'd call habitable.
  4. Me2

    Me2 New Member

    Apr 16, 2002
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    Good point about habitation in texas......Ever notice all that barren land...miles and miles.

    Soils dead...

    So the population is rising..
    Dont depend on the US to feed um..All of our farmland soil is dying fast..
    Nutrients are becoming used up.,washed away by rain, or corrupted by pesticides.

    This is not a laughing thought concerning feeding future generations of folks.

    Instead of multiplying....Soon it will be time to do a little dividing.

  5. China's already started ;)
  6. Me2

    Me2 New Member

    Apr 16, 2002
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    I dont Know the reason for China's manditory population control...but our problems will begin soon....concerning all our "baby boomer" grandma's and grandpa's...retirement .!

    they will no longer be contributing..but using.

    With not the same quantity replacing their numbers in the workforce, production lines and yes...farmlands. but mouths to feed for 20 to 40 years in retirement.

    Lets see..taxes will increase..wages increase..food costs increase..medicine...
    Even the costs of BABY ASPERINS. raising a family becomes more and more expensive and soon the cost will rise expotentially...Its the american way. or is that capitalism..

    Maybe those chinese, knows something that we dont ? :D

  7. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I dont Know the reason for China's manditory population control

    Overpopuation. If you visit a cemetery, you'll notice they don't evern have room to bury their dead.
  8. Me2

    Me2 New Member

    Apr 16, 2002
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    I feel kinda ignorant after writing that..I searched the web and found many disturbing conclusions to China's efforts and solutions. I think my post were more directed to express the times when many unknowns exist. If one desires to have children...God will supply.

    If One doesn't desire to have children...thats OK too.. Life and its unknowns are hard enough to handle as it is.

    For someone having a yearning to be responsible..
    Children arent necessarily the 18 year answer.

    My suggestion... "get a dog"

  9. Jacob

    Jacob Member

    Nov 4, 2002
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    If you're a Christian and don't want children, there's nothing wrong with that.

    Just don't get married.

  10. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Aug 30, 2001
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    Yeah... but brother or sister you better have a strong constitution... It is better to marry than to burn!... Understand?... Brother(married almost thirty years)Glen [​IMG]
  11. Sounds nice and all...but you would be promoting bareness of the womb :rolleyes:
  12. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Bro. Adam.....What?

    There are women who were meant to have children. And they are very good mothers.

    And there are women who should have never had children. They are abusive and have lead to murder, and some just do not care anything for their children.

    There are women who wish they could have children and can't. Some adopt, and are very loving and giving parents, and some who should have never adopted.

    My suggestion is if you feel uncomfortable having chidren at a paticular time in your life, don't. And I am not saying have abortions.

    They are many ways to protect yourself againt getting pregnent. And all those ways are healthy.

    I would suggest talking this over with the husband or wife to be first before getting married so that both know what they are getting into. And can agree, or disagree.

  13. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    It was five years after we were married that my wife and I had our two--when we had the first one--my wife quit her secular job and since hasn't had a secular position now for over 10 years--but for those first 5 years of marriage--sure, it was fun being without kids--but we both knew that one day the Lord Jesus would bless and we were ready for that day when it came along--now, I don't suppose anyone has enough money that if they pooled their money all together to give to me--I wouldn't take it--nor all the money in the world in exchange for NOT being a parent--when my wife quit her job--we had to adjust to live minus $25,000/year--petty cash when it comes to watchin' the kids grow up and being at home with um every single hour of every single day!!

    So, to me--Parenting as a daddy is like workin' on a high rise building under construction--walkin' a 6 inch I-Beam 15 stories in the air--when he's first hired on--He can't hardly stomach the ride up--and when he gets up past the first story--he's hangin' on like the building is gonna "throw 'um" just any minute now!! But after a while--the steel worker "gets use to it"--and can "Whistle Dixie"--eatin' a Bologna sandwich while settin' placement nuts and bolts with his air impact wrench--all at the same time!! Some daddy's and momma's don't know it--but in a sense--they're steel workers--building individual World Trade Centers--again--when the steel worker is first hired on--he's beggin' the foreman--"Don't take me past the first floor today, please!!" But when the parenting project progresses--that same steel worker is up there on the 101st floor yellin' down to his wife--"Honey! Look at me up here!!! Its easier than I thought!!"

    But that's just me!

    I am one happy daddy!!
  14. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    blackbird....your probably a great daddy!

  15. Singleman

    Singleman New Member

    Sep 28, 2002
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    I think that some people adhere to a particular folk theology (for lack of a better term) that teaches that God is constantly creating "baby" spirits, and when adults decide not to have children, those spirits cannot reach earth and are exiled to some sort of limbo. This belief, of course, is found nowhere in the Bible. But how can we otherwise explain the idea that childlessness by choice is selfish? Isn't selfishness as a sin usually committed at someone else's expense? At whose, in this scenario? No, I don't think deciding not to have children is a sin, although for me the subject is moot. As stated before, no one can thwart God's will; if He wants you to have kids, you will. ;)