Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-N) controversial past keeps getting dug up. Her tweets about how Israel had hypnotized the world to its evil and appearing to side with the Somali militias who engaged our troops in Somalia in the early 1990s have been unearthed. She also trivialized the 9/11 attacks as an event “where some people did something.” Now, we have this old interview on Al-Jazeera where she said that Americans have more to fear from white people than radical Islamic terrorism
In resurfaced interview, Ilhan Omar answers question on 'jihadist terrorism' by saying Americans should be 'more fearful of white men'
My position on this statement is that it is not racist. Criticism of a particular race is not automatically racist. Her facts are wrong on white men, her reason for saying it is wrong but it is not racist. However, if something was said like this by a white man about another race they would call for his hanging.,