Let me guess. They herded all of the unvaxxed into the same concentration camp and voilà.![]()
It's offensive to compare current events to those past events ...
but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... ya know, it just might be a duck! And if somehow/someway it's NOT, why is it trying so hard to imitate that nazi duck!?
this cuts to the quick of the difference between those who promote the CDC line on this virus ... and those who recognize what time it is
Had my first experience with being "culled" in the Burbank/Universal City Sheraton yesterday ... zee papers ... to sit down and eat in the very same hotel restaurant where I've dined 5 times in the last 4 months. I have been working in very close proximity to thousands of people who are from all corners of the world for hours on end the past two years. I ended up having one of college age sons contract the disease. He stayed with us during his quarantine from school and used the early treatment therapeutic nebulized budesonide protocol. My operation is part of why this virus spread so quickly ... we connect the world in hours. Are we there yet? Not parked at the gate, but we're definitely WELL into the sterile period (below 10K feet)
Praise be to God I have not missed a day of work because of being sick due to covid (and the health standards for doing my work is "slightly" more restrictive than "everyman's job") and have worked full time for all but 3 months ... and that was a sanity leave. I think I need another one after yesterday, but I recognize the insanity is spreading fast and getting stronger; that tells me I need to spend more time in "the war room" on my knees to keep "the old man" in check, get back/remain in sync with The Holy Spirit.
With thousands of my professional colleagues, I am facing employment termination on 4 Jan, yet, there are folks who think getting the jab isn't being forced ... that I'm choosing to lose my job over the jab rather than understand I am being forced to decide between playing russian roulette and retaining my job.
You folks who somehow believe the vast majority of prophesy was fulfilled in 70 AD need to reconsider. Failure to do so means failing to be "prepared" to receive the Holy Spirit as Peter prophesied ... greater than the Day of Pentecost and greater than the Asuza Street (sp?) revival ... ironically ... in the same "City" where I was just culled for lack of 'papers.'
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