Thanks for the question, I can honestly say I have been to all three kinds and found the one to be BALANCED the best. That would be my first real church after I got saved 28 years ago. I had attended a Pentecost church because the guy who witnessed to me when I was hitchhiking in upstate NY, (Got saved in Woodstock 1985, cool testimony) then God put me into a IFBC, through a friend when I came to Ca.
Although the pastor was Bob Jones and old school, he learned through God's word what I also knew...that God is a balanced God, He is Holy, Righteous and Just...yet He is Loving, Merciful and Kind (this pastor preached it all the time, now I know why, it is key to everything) His word is balanced, as well and so shall we be. So too me that would be the best and healthiest church. The benchmark.
After we moved, I haven't found a church like it, if at all. So I guess the one I went to that hurt me and others I have heard, is mainly the legalistic ones, THE OUTWARD WAS IMPORTANT THAN THE INWARD. Those would be the ones I was referring to. I learned that I don't like being judged unfairly, for many reasons....see, I was taught too well, I was taught balance for 8 years and it was also a part of who I am and have always been...a balanced person....praise God.
Think of it this way...How does a banker (things may have changed nowadays) tell what a counterfeit is?...they are trained to spot quickly a counterfeit by STUDYING the real thing. I had the greatest opportunity at a impressionable age to study the real thing, I SOAKED it in....think about it take someone at 22 who is naturally bent towards right and wrong, things needing to be "fair"...being others centered. They are put under sound leadership, with theological teachings that many would have to pay big college bucks for. And he and his wife lived what he preached...that was my experience anyway....I give all due credit and respect for this great man of God...I'm sure they weren't perfect, but in my eyes they were close to it, even if we had disagreements, which was extremely rare, maybe twice...I have yet to find a man of God like him or a church like that since.
So when my family and I attended 2 KJV only, Dresses only, and God's knows what ever other rule I broke, I saw the red flags immediately of BONDAGE and a JUDGMENTAL spirit...I was set free from bondage when I got saved. The more I stood for what was right the more the "wagons circled" there is great abuse of power if one tries and stand for TRUTH. I was taught by the "good pastor" that one should never point fingers at anyone cause there is always three more pointing back at you and me. He preached God's word and allowed the Holy Spirit to do His job. I can't go into how I have been hurt by both extremes but I have and I know deep down why and am ok with that. 'Power Corrupts and Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely."
Like I said, I get hurt on BOTH ENDS, the liberal and the legalistic cause I am BALANCED (a rare concept evidently) and I was taught BALANCE....LOVE and TRUTH.
And that is the message I think Dr. Whitaker was hoping to pass on to his congregation of 38? years.
See, I DON'T FIT IN. I'm too liberal for the "Fundamental" churches and too conservative for the "Seeker Friendly" churches. If I was the quiet type, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem, but I am not...never have been....All I know is I am accountable to God...even if I get hurt, as long as I believe I'm doing the right thing....what can really hurt me?...nothing really. To tell you the truth I think both extremes are just as dangerous as another....all extremes are. It is all about BALANCE!