Oh I am quite sure the global warming liars will find a way to tie it into their agenda.
Oh, they already have! From the article linked by go2:
Dr Ed Hawkins, of Reading University, ... admitted the cycles may have caused some of the recorded warming, but insisted that natural variability alone could not explain all of the temperature rise over the past 150 years.
Evidently, Dr. Hawkins is not familiar with long-term research carried out two generations before his entrance onto the scene. It was determined even before World War II that there are both short- and long-term cycles to warming, cooling, wet and dry periods.
From the late 1940s through the early 1970s, a climate research organization called the Weather Science Foundation of Crystal Lake, Illinois, determined that the planet’s warm, cold, wet and dry periods were the result of alternating short-term and long-term climatic cycles. These researchers and scientists also concluded that the Earth’s ever-changing climate likewise has influenced global and regional economies, human and animal migrations, science, religion and the arts as well as shifting forms of government and strength of leadership.
Much of this data was based upon thousands of hours of research done by Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler and his associates during the 1930s and 1940s at the University of Kansas. Dr. Wheeler was well-known for his discovery of various climate cycles, including his highly-regarded ‘510-Year Drought Clock’ that he detailed at the end of the ‘Dust Bowl’ era in the late 1930s.
Dr. Wheeler also discovered that approximately every 102 years, a much warmer and drier climatic cycle affects our planet. The last such ‘warm and dry’ peak occurred in 1936, at the end of the infamous ‘Dust Bowl’ period. During that time, extreme heat and dryness, combined with a multitude of problems during the ‘Great Depression,’ made living conditions practically intolerable.
The next ‘warm and dry’ climatic phase is scheduled to arrive in the early 2030s, probably peaking around 2038. It is expected to produce even hotter and drier weather patterns than we saw during the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Does that mean global warming is a farce? In my opinion, for the most part, yes. I say "for the most part" because, as Harris-Mann Climatology (the creators of the website quoted here) states, it is unlikely man's construction of concrete and asphalt jungles has
no effect on weather. In fact, it can be seen in every big city in the Midwest, where only the largest and strongest of huge thunderstorm cells don't get torn apart as they approach a big city's "heat barrier" created by all that concrete, steel, and asphalt reflecting heat and even magnifying it back into the surface atmosphere in the summer.
But actually increase global warming trends? Highly unlikely. As I've said repeatedly, the math really is very simple -- and is completely ignored by the global warming alarmists (who have, as the Rev pointed out, a political agenda, not a scientific one).
Exactly 96.4% of the carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is naturally occurring, and overall, the bulk of CO2 accounts for 86% of the heat absorption that occurs. Still, with all of those billions of tons of carbon dioxide in the air -- and giving it far too much credit for the increase in mean temperature worldwide -- those temps have still gone up only a half a degree in a hundred years.
Let's round down that CO2 content to 95% for simplicity's sake. That mean's that 95% of that half a degree would have happened anyway, being naturally occurring, as if man made no contribution whatsoever to the atmosphere's CO2 content. So, what's 5% of half a degree, or our "contribution" to worldwide CO2 levels? Virtually non-existent, is what it is. If you really want an answer, it is .025 (twenty-five thousandths) of a degree. By the way, I've totally ignored the fact that water vapor accounts for all but 1% of the remaining heat absorption rate. Other gases in the atmosphere are much more efficient at heat absorption, but are of such small content that their absorption amounts to nothing in comparison to the 99% of heat absorption occurring due to those first two gases discussed here.
The global warming fanatics really need to go find something else to do. In a few years, they will be out of a job.