If that’s true then perhaps this thread is a premature investigation (and no, they don’t make medicine for that disorder ) of the book.He has it. He hasn't stated whether he's read it yet. He got it at my behest. I always told him that if he was unhappy with it, I'd buy it from him.
Wright argues that Christians incorrectly focus too much on life after death (heaven) when they should be focusing on life after life after death (new creation). So whatever you think Wright is saying about heaven, his point in Surprised By Hope is that we, like Paul and Isaiah and the author of Revelation, look for the restoration of all things and the new creation which has broken into the present in the resurrection of Jesus!
With that said, the OP did not state correctly what Wright believes about either heaven or new creation (the 2 not to be confused). What a perpetual problem here on the BB--people misrepresenting NT Wright.
I have Surprised by Hope, and although I confess I have started but not finished it, I have found Wright’s insights on the topic enlightening. At first I disagreed that the western church looked at salvation primarily in terms of “getting to Heaven” and that Heaven we’re getting to is some spiritual world we arrive at when we die. It didn’t take me long to figure out I was wrong and Wright was right that our churches have adopted a fantasy idea of Heaven. I do need to finish the book. Perhaps I’ll start anew this evening.