Your arguments are: 1) "It's only recently that anyone wanted nursing mothers to cover up." 2) Breasts are for feeding, and any man who finds them attractive is just wierd, because God didn't make them to be attractive. 3) Cultures that have their women go topless don't have the "issues" "we" have.
Of course the Scripture doesn't provide a history of Western Civilization, but I would be willing to post verse after verse to refute your creation story, and now I will also press you for specifics with evidence to support your sociological and anthropological assertions.
But, the bottom line is, if the men tell a woman not to nurse her baby in the sanctuary during public worship, then she doesn't get to do it. You can fabricate all the myths you want to paint them as sexually frustrated wierdos, but God has you under their authority.
Guess what? If a man asks a woman not to breastfeed a baby in teh sanctuary during public worship, he is breaking the law.