Natural immunity fades more quickly than vaccine immunity
Natural immunity can decay within about 90 days. Immunity from COVID-19 vaccines has been shown to last longer. Both
Pfizer and
Moderna reported strong vaccine protection for at least six months.
COVID-19 natural immunity versus vaccination.
Results showed that the unvaccinated group was twice as likely to contract the infection again, compared with those who had received one dose of the vaccine.
Protection against Delta: Comparing vaccines and natural immunity
We have evidence showing that if you've been naturally infected with COVID-19 and you aren't vaccinated,
your risk of getting reinfected with symptomatic disease is about 2.5–fold higher.
Vaccines beat natural immunity in fight against COVID-19
Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have proven that COVID vaccines will create a better immune response to the Delta variant than the natural immune response people would have if they previously had the virus.
COVID-19: Myth: Natural Immunity Protects Against the Delta Variant - Health Beat
While antibodies from a COVID-19 infection may offer some degree of protection against another future infection (known as "natural immunity"), those who have already had the virus may still be vulnerable—perhaps especially to the Delta variant, the current predominant strain, which is nearly
twice as contagious as previous variants. In fact, a
study published by the CDC on August 6 compared reinfection rates of people who had previously had COVID-19 and found that unvaccinated individuals were more than twice as likely to be reinfected than fully vaccinated individuals.
Why Vaccines Are Still Important to Fight Delta, Even if You've Already Had Covid-19
Dr. Sabrina Assoumou, an infectious diseases physician at Boston Medical Center, cautioned against relying on natural immunity as protection against COVID. "There are still questions about the protection of natural immunity against variants," she told
Newsweek. "A recent study showed that the likelihood of re-infection was higher among unvaccinated persons when compared to vaccinated individuals."
What to know about how well natural COVID immunity works against the Delta variant