What is your understanding of the distinction between the terms religious tolerance, religious liberty, religious pluralism and religious relativism? You seem to be confusing some terminology here. ...
I'm not at all confused! The confusion is when we think tolerance requires acceptance and even encouragement. We're very blessed to be able to practice our Christian faiths in America without having a national church run by the government to tell us when, where, and how we should do that. That wisdom is what was incorporated into the Constitution. We're confused when we start thinking the intent is anything more than that. We have to tolerate a bit more than would be ideal in order to assure the fundamental intent is preserved intact and remains free of the natural corruption of man. Hence the "rights" are extended to all beliefs from the perspective of the national government. We're confused when we, as Christians, start thinking the intent was to have acceptance and even active encouragement of non-Christian religions in America in addition to their protection under the law. We're confused when we let non-Christians twist and turn our own law against us. God is not pleased with the conduct of believers who accept and encourage the worship of the false gods whether it be under the authority of or government or not. We're confused when we extend the intent of our Constitution to be the absolute exclusion of God from the institution of civil government. We're negligent when we allow non-believing leaders into office and permit them to re-define our intentions by their own warped standards. We need to remember that God owns everything in the universe including America and its people and its government. It is only by His grace that we enjoy what we have been blessed to enjoy. We need to acknowledge the foundation upon which our government and liberty rests. We need to understand the difference between prohibited establishment of a national church and the desirable practice of Christianity in all our conduct including the actions of civil government and the leaders we select to serve us in our government. If we keep making America a haven for Islam to bloom and grow we will find that He is very displeased with it.