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Obama claims to have decended .....


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windcatcher said:
Why would anyone want to believe in a god that lies? Who would want a relationship with that? We don't have a relationship with God.... until we have his words. Abraham, listened, and believed who he heard...when God spoke.... so did Moses. But before I could know God...some one had to tell me about him or I had to read and trust his Word.

Many have criticized the history of the Bible. For every archeological proof that's been found...another jumped up for the skeptics to point to as the exception which proved the question.... and each critic has proven a liar and God is true.

The Bible supports science although it is not written to be a scientific book: We feel the liberty to eat anything we wish... that's not poison... but the best nutrition and chemistry within the body supports the superiority and simplicity of the food laws given the people of the Book. In the NT, before blood typing was known.... and crossed every racial line, the Bible declared God made man of one blood. The Bible told the world the earth was round...... Columbus believed it, even when the clergy of the church did not understand.

Darwin was not a scientist. His theory of evolution spun off many other theories of beginnings... which excluded the Bible context. For a period of time, the influence of the elite scientific organizations of England and Europe, accepted his theory and so succeeded in a rush to prove 'evidence' most of which has been proven false.... but so caught the Church off guard, as few had questioned the account given in Scripture.

However, as the church, by popular persuasion, began accepting that 'perhaps' there might be some truth to evolution, not having any defense.....especially when it was common among some clergy to explain the difficult parts of the Bible as 'allegory', rather than recognize the truth is there....it a matter of our not having come to the times where the truth is revealed and understood in our experience:

Fortunately, a body of scientist who had confidence in the Bible rose and challenged the evolutionary, Big Bang, and carbon dating theories among others.
One by one, as the evoluntionist developed new theories, the 'science' on which one 'proof' depended was debunked by the science which proved another evolution position, or the supports were proved to be 'circular'...what was held as an axiom in one direction became the product of the axiom in the reverse direction....thereby proving nothing... and the fraudelent 'proof' using fossils and skeletal pieces..... and the 'standards' of measuring time being contradicted within nature... and without explanation.... The evolutionist do not address the many problems with their theory which the creationist have uncovered. They ignore it... or group together in opposition and try to ignore. And when they cant ignore the creationist's challenges... they disparage the whole group of creationist as being extreme, ignorant, fundamental. Actually what many evolutionist think is 'evoluntion' in the adaptive process of organism such as bacteria in resisting an antibiotic..... are not dissimilar of the healing God designed into the living forms he made of animals, and plants, and human. Only God could take nothing and speak his thoughts into existance and reality, of mass and energy, of time and eternity.

JMS, if you don't believe the Bible is true, then you have no basis for your belief in God, a relationship with him, or a foundation stronger than that 'you said it' when you tell others what God is like in your relationship to him. Should I take your word? The word of a stranger? Or should I believe the Word, which God wrote with love, through the pens of many men, most who never knew each other, and each book reflective of their own style and personality.... yet in agreement throughout in meaning? I'd rather believe a book which has proven trustworthy over a period since its beginning about 4 thousand years ago, than someone so young and immature and limited in vision and more to my equal.
Great job neighbor. Amen and amen. :godisgood:

Bro. Curtis

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Dragonfly, now that you admit to believing the creation account, maybe I can be so bold as to encourage you to look at the position your candidate takes when it comes to homeschooling, since we know creation will never be really taught in public schools. I feel homeschooling needs to be protected, while Obama seems to want to educate my kids for me.

Magnetic Poles

New Member
We are not descended from apes...we ARE apes, as related to other species of great apes as they are to one another. The primate family has many members, but it is clear that the other apes are our 'cousins'...from superficial physical resemblance to the genetic level.

Does any of that make us less special in God's eyes? No. I refuse to limit God's creative processes to the parables, allegory and poetry of Genesis. Spiritual truth doesn't require denial of clear evidence in God's creation, nor a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation tales.


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Magnetic Poles said:
No. I refuse to limit God's creative processes to the parables, allegory and poetry of Genesis. Spiritual truth doesn't require denial of clear evidence in God's creation, nor a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation tales.

Creation Tales. I started to laugh and then realized the sadness of it.

Bro. Curtis

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Magnetic Poles said:
Does any of that make us less special in God's eyes? No. I refuse to limit God's creative processes to the parables, allegory and poetry of Genesis. Spiritual truth doesn't require denial of clear evidence in God's creation, nor a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation tales.

Yup. The old "why put God in a box ?" rant. Why is it always liberals that tell us the bible is "tales" ?

I urge every Christian reading this to put their faith in scripture, and not lean to their own understanding. God is not a liar, and he doesn't tell tales.

Remember, folks. Evolution is the theory which helped Adolph Hitler dispose of so many folks he viewd as less evolved. If that isn't a reason to completely reject it, I don't know what is.

Magnetic Poles

New Member
Bro. Curtis said:
Yup. The old "why put God in a box ?" rant. Why is it always liberals that tell us the bible is "tales" ?


Remember, folks. Evolution is the theory which helped Adolph Hitler dispose of so many folks he viewd as less evolved. If that isn't a reason to completely reject it, I don't know what is.
First, what rant? Merely a calm and reasoned stating of my position. It isn't me who I see'ranting' here.

Second, I invoke Godwin's Law. The scientific theory of biological evolution has nothing to do with the evil acts of Adolph Hitler.


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He Fails to Say He was Saved

Obama has not yet given a testimony of salvation through his faith in Jesus to save him from his sin. He has not claimed that he is saved by the blood of Jesus. He has not proclaimed that he recognized he was a sinner [something his elitist attitude surely won't allow] and asked Christ to come into his heart and life and be his Savior. He has yet to say he was water baptized in following the example of his Savior.

Until he can speak of his being born again through his faith in Jesus coming into his life, than he remains a christian with a small "c".


Pastor Paul :type:

Bro. Curtis

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Magnetic Poles said:
First, what rant? Merely a calm and reasoned stating of my position. It isn't me who I see'ranting' here.

I go on past history, of your comments directed at people who wish to teach creation. Your disdain of creationists is well documented. maybe I shouldn't have used "rant". Perhaps a better way to say it, is your words are what Satan would want us to believe, that the bible is merely tales, and to trust it completely is foolish. Yeah, that is a better way to say it.

MP, my bible tells me to believe it's every word, to trust it more than my own brains, more than what my friends tell me, it tells me to love and to cherish it. Do you have a verse that trumps this command, or is it just something you feel ? Something that logic tells you perhaps ?

Second, I invoke Godwin's Law. The scientific theory of biological evolution has nothing to do with the evil acts of Adolph Hitler.

I didn't say he invented them, they just helped him along. It's easy, to catch liberals in this trap. Liberals will tell us that all people should be viewed as equal, but evolution wouldn't let that happen. We could not evolve equally, we had to be created equal.
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And I think it's a mistake to try to cloud the teaching of science with theories that frankly don't hold up to scientific inquiry.

If this is the standard then schools should not be teaching anything concerning the origins of life since there is no scientific theory to explain how non-living matter spontaneously became living matter - or how an abscence of matter or energy spontaneously became matter and energy.


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targus said:
And I think it's a mistake to try to cloud the teaching of science with theories that frankly don't hold up to scientific inquiry.
If this is the standard then schools should not be teaching anything concerning the origins of life since there is no scientific theory to explain how non-living matter spontaneously became living matter - or how an abscence of matter or energy spontaneously became matter and energy.

If this is the standard....then the schools should not be teaching as fact, any unproven theory regarding the origins of life unless they encourage open and uncensored exploration of all possiblities including acceptible respect and inclusion of those values represented by the students/ and their families making up each class, which includes creationism.

Bro. Curtis

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bumped for Magnetic Poles, I'd like him to at least know I asked this.....
Bro. Curtis said:
MP, my bible tells me to believe it's every word, to trust it more than my own brains, more than what my friends tell me, it tells me to love and to cherish it. Do you have a verse that trumps this command, or is it just something you feel ? Something that logic tells you perhaps ?


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Magnetic Poles said:
We are not descended from apes...we ARE apes, as related to other species of great apes as they are to one another. The primate family has many members, but it is clear that the other apes are our 'cousins'...from superficial physical resemblance to the genetic level.

Does any of that make us less special in God's eyes? No. I refuse to limit God's creative processes to the parables, allegory and poetry of Genesis. Spiritual truth doesn't require denial of clear evidence in God's creation, nor a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation tales.
What a slap in the face to God! Repent! We were made in God's own image...and you have the gall to call us apes! Who do you think God is, King Kong? Sickening...