Obviously, Derek Jeter doesn't know my wife but he does understand simile and he certainly understands the implications of "You throw like a girl."
How's your bowling, Mr. President?
I bowl like a retard.
What do you mean by that, Mr. President?
I, the most powerful man in the free world only managed a 129 on my own bowling lane. Now how do I state this in a way that most people will understand that my bowling skills are terrible....
I bowl like Earl Anthony? Naw, he was one of the greatest...
I bowl like a girl? Naw, Michelle won't let me in the house...
I bowl like Special Olympics? That's it! Everybody can picture me fumbling, bumbling, stumbling my way to the line launching a bowling ball to an unknown destination...
In Obama's world, the developmentally disabled and mentally retarded exemplify the antithesis of how he percieves himself, not to mention his horrific perception of DD/MR. He could've used many different examples of how poorly he thought he bowled. He chose to compare his own weakness and failure (albeit a rather minor shortcoming in this case) to Special Olympics.
The cat is out of the bag, so to speak. Now we know what he really thinks about DD/MR. A few more unguarded moments and we'll get to see the real man behind the rhetoric.