I can't stand to even think about President Obama and I'm certainly not trying to defend him as a president, but some of you all need to look at his entire message.
His speech are about affordable Pre-school opportunities and how some parents cannot afford them and one of the parents, usually the mother, must quit her job because of it and be a stay-at-home-mother when that was not her initial choice.
He is not condemning stay-at-home-mothers. He is saying that no one should have to make the choice to quit their job because they cannot afford quality child care.
He is calling for quality and affordable pre-schools and daycares for parents, particularly women who CHOOSE to work outside the home or who must work outside the home.
Not every woman who works outside the home is a liberal, an sorry mother, a non-Christian, or loves her work more than her children.
And President Obama was not condemning stay-at-home-mothers.
Thank you for having perspective.