This does not surprise me at all.
So many of us saw through this mans HIDDEN AGENDA when he burst on the scene for his first run at president, and many of us also knew he would be exactly the kind of man he is: A reverse racist.
We should hold our breath as he comes to the end of his term, because he has fanned the flames of racism and hate, and slowly moved to marginalize Americas military might.and traditional pride. He is cancerous, and Congress is as bad as he is for allowing this to continue with no one calling his bluffs and stopping his power plays by impeaching him for not defending our borders.
The border war doesn't mean these folks are here to kill us, but rather to financially plunder and pillage us to the point of bankruptcy.
Look around folks. His attempts to welcome illegals to America is draining our budget. There is no way America can sustain paying everyone's medical care. Or for people to sit at home and not work but vote democrat to keep their bills paid and medical needs met. He has basically ushered in a preview to the mark of the beast, because folks will have to do what is best for their lifestyle by hailing the king and his party.
And little by little this president and congress are moving toward getting Americans to freely give up their guns to stop all the killing. It is coming. I may not live to see it, but Obama and congress have continued to erode away at the things Americans once held dearly and cherished.
The PC police. The liberal media. The rich and powerful. They are sitting by and pulling the strings. Or better yet, warming up the water beneath the melting pot of American's and no one even realizes we are being cooked alive.
The church has nothing to fear or lose because we will be gone. But pity the fools who will deny the cross and be left behind.