Interestingly, Christans generally opposed "don't ask don't tell", and here we are years later, with Christians are opposing its repeal.
Folks, right here is one example of the reasons the liberals are taking over, and will(?) succeed barring a direct intervention from God!
The ORIGINAL policy was
1) You stated up front (if you didn't lie) whether or not you were a Q----
2) If you answered in the affirmative, you were refused enlistment into the Armed Forces - end of problem for the military
3) Clinton came along and declared that you could NOT be asked this question; ergo a Q---- could legally enlist. BUT the stigma was still there, so they (the Q-----) were reluctant to advertise the fact.
4) Now the (0) wants to allow (force?) the stigma to be erased so that if you are a Q----, you not only can enlist, but you can now flaunt your deviancy, expecting no negative reaction from others.
So John, you are correct in your statement,
BUT, you neglect to put the facts in context. Now
IF you go back to the
ORIGINAL system, then there will be no opposition from the Christians; well
most Christians anyway.
that the Christians are just being tantrum throwing little kids.
This is typical of the way the left has gotten its agenda - ask for $1,000 when all you really want is $100, so when the Rs balk and refuse to give the $1,000, the Ds start calling for compromise and eventually settle on $100, and claim that they (Ds) have really conceded to the Rs.
Unfortunately, this has been so subtle that the Rs have not, until recently, realized that they gave up far more that they thought.
I personally believe that should the conservatives (please note that
I DID NOT specify Rs), take control in '10 & '12, there should be a policy of NO COMPROMISE until we at least get back to a true constitutional form of Gov't. 'Course I ain't holding my breath!!!