Bro. Curtis said:More Oprah.
It just occurred to me, Obama likes to throw blame around, I suspect we're going to see four years of him blaming Bush for not being able to get anything done.
We know he's a socialist. We have evidence of his racism. Now he's looking down on people who trust God.
And bitter ? BITTER ? Hasn't he heard his Dr. Hatewhitey preacher ? Now THERE'S a bitter dude.
Sheesh !!!!
I know his apologists aren't going to mind, even to the point of blaming us, but I'm glad there are a few clear-eyed rational people, who can see right thru this stuff.
Funny stuff, kids.
The more he says he's different, the more we find he just the same as every other extreme liberal democrat.
Blames others.
Government can fix everything. All it takes is money.
Down deep racist. He will set the cause of eliminating racial discrimination back by decades.
Elitest- Most people are too stupid to run their own affairs, so he'll use governmewnt to "help" them. Especially the great unwashed of small town America and the South.
It's a good thing that :godisgood: .
Obama's not. As the newest liberal savior on the horizon, we find out he's nothing mare than a deeply flawed wolf in sheep's clothing and bad...very bad...
for America.