annsni said:I understand but understand that I have no risk of getting HPV because I'm not sleeping with anyone who has the virus. My husband and I have been faithful to each other for the 25 years that we've been together - and have only been with each other in the almost 23 years that we've been married.
My girls know how to get diseases and how to not. They themselves yell at the TV that the ONLY sure-fire way to not get an STD or pregnant is to NOT HAVE SEX. Period.
Naive? Nah - I know my daughters, trust my daughters and have faith that they are strong enough to stay away from smoking, drinking, drug use, hanging out with the wrong crowd and to not have sex until the time is right - when they get married. Do you know how many of my daughters' friends say that no one gives them credit for having a head on their shoulders? Everyone assumes that they will do wrong. THAT is a disservice to our children.
It is possible that a virgin could marry a guy who hasn't had a perfect past. The vaccine could help in that case.