Gunny(Lee Ermey)Weighs In & Rips Obama :
“The economy really sucks. Now I hate to point fingers at anybody, but the present administration probably had a lot to do with that. And the way I see it, they’re not going to quit doing it until they bring this country to its knees. So I think we should all rise up and we should stop this administration from what they’re doing because they’re destroying this country. They’re driving us into bankruptcy so that they can impose socialism on us and that’s exactly what they’re doing. And I’m sick and damn tired of it, and I know you are too. But I know that the Marine Corps will be here forever; this administration won’t. Semper Fi.”
It's weird how these guys who "speak out" against Obama fail to realize two things.
First the system Obama is pushing on us is fascism. Obama is an agent of the global banks and multinational corporations not the Soviets. That means that government power and corporate power have been merged.
That's not communism, that's corporatism or fascism with a small f. More precisely it's
corporate fascism because the corporations have power over the government. Why would the global banks and multinational corporations push socialist/communist programs on us through our "elected officials" in government you ask? Simple, because socialism/communism is the best way to transfer wealth from the many to the few and predictably the majority of gullible people out there who champion these programs will think they're all for the good of the many.
The second thing is we already live under a totalitarian form of government. The president has claimed the power to indefinitely imprison and or execute any of us without due process and congress has voted at least twice to give him that power.
NEWSFLASH folks, that
is not freedom it's tyranny.
We have a government that spies on our phone calls and emails without probable cause and the only time congress balks is when it finds out the NSA and CIA has been spying on them also.
Those in Washington and the corporate controlled media all tell us how bad this type of government is in other countries but says nary a word about how we have the same tyrannical system here.
That should be enough in and of itself to tell every American citizen what the government and those in the corporate press think of us.
We're cash cows to be milked for the benefit of the global banks and corporations the president and congress serve and nothing more. Our rights can be violated at any time by the "intelligence" and other government agencies (bureaucracies) and nothing will be done about it by those in congress other than to make empty promises and read patriotic sounding campaign speeches written by professional PR people out loud come election time.
This isn't a left vs right thing. This system has been pushed on us through several administrations now including republicans as well as democrats.
It's time to wake up.