There were several of you who "AGREED" with my concerns and the message I delivered on this Forum. I appreciate the fact that you too, have seen what I have seen, and that Scripture backs up the message.windcatcher said:Agreed!
As for RD2, it was his personal opinion he presented, and whatever intent we can draw, we can acknowledge that he has concerns...... some which most of us can identify with...... and his concerns point to a need for reversal but an impasse' which he cannot even imagine as within the realm of normal possibility. Indeed I frequently think this is the case: I don't think any will know when that last straw is cut, fit for the fire...... and when it happens .......those of the redeemed may wish more judgment and fear and respect for God and warning about judgment and sin had been preached. Somehow, it seems impossible to appreciate the love and patience of God and the cost of salvation without first coming to an understanding of our own filthiness and inadequacy and undeserving. We already live in such privilege, and peace, and prosperity..... even in these troubling times..... we have no real idea just how helpless, hopeless, and naked we are in his sight.... and we take his love for granted. Such an thankful and unholy generation never before existed as that which we've become today!:tear:
I am not stating that Obama being elected to POTUS was the reason judgment is falling on America. What I said was his being POTUS expresses the will of the people in this nation, and it clearly shows how dark, vile, and decadent the minds and hearts of Americans have become since 9/11/01. Under George Bush we observed a definite decline in the spiritual values of Americans. The massive amount of pure hate generated by every act and word from Bush grew into something that caused me to shudder deep within my soul.
Obama was not the sign of the end for this nation, he is simply, "one more sign" of the heart, thoughts, and souls of a growing majority of individuals that call themselves American's.
I also stated that while I don't see God laying out a massive, nation changing revival, the fact that we've been called to share the Good News, means there will be "hot spot"revivals throughout the nation in every city, township, and community. It is not going to be the kind of revival that Billy Sunday, and Billy Graham were blessed to be a part of.The kind of revival fire that swept over this nation and filled the churches in every community with people that were "Hungry" for the pure Word of God, and the need to direct and point their heart toward Holiness.
Today we have people that are only hungry for the Word of God to tickle their ears, and give them justification to sin. Truly it is not that difficult to see what is going on all around us when it comes to a church that has been called to come out of the world we live in, be Holy and be the salt of the earth, a salt that serves to preserve the church that shines brightly like a beacon on the highest hill, leading all that see its light to the cross of our Savior. However, the salt has lost its saltiness, and it is about to be thrown out and trampled by the sinful men and women the refused to hear the truth and turn back to God.
Pastor Paul:type: