Well-Known Member
With the Obama administration it looks like buisness as usual in the abortion industry. He unapologetically indorsed our country's biggest abortion provider Planned Parenthood (PP) today in Texas. Obama is willfully looking right past the Gosnell murders and claiming PP is so important to womens health because they provide cancer screenings. He never mentioned the word "abortion" today when that is what PP spends more funds on than anything else.
America is getting lied to by our President and we need to do something about it. What can you do--support your local Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC). Most every mid sized city in America has one. You can find them in the phone book or on the Internet. They almost always depend upon donations from churches and pro-lifers. If you haven't already given to a local PRC, I challenge you to do so to help fight Mr. Obama's war on life.
God Bless
America is getting lied to by our President and we need to do something about it. What can you do--support your local Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC). Most every mid sized city in America has one. You can find them in the phone book or on the Internet. They almost always depend upon donations from churches and pro-lifers. If you haven't already given to a local PRC, I challenge you to do so to help fight Mr. Obama's war on life.
God Bless