Not only is our POTUS a liar and the master of deception, he expects the youth of this nation to do "as he says" and "not as he does!"
Case in point ... last night after the Ferguson GJ announced it findings on the Michael Brown shooting, Obama goes on television calling for calm. Several times he speaks about this being a nation of laws, and the findings of this GJ was an example of the " rule of law" and we the people need to ABIDE with the rule of law.
Well I find that quite HYPOCRITICAL in that last week he circumvented and usurped the rule of CONSTITUTIONAL Law by lawlessly allowing five million law breakers freedom from the fear of deportation for the next three years, and the opportunity to feel what it's like to be Americans.
I guess the laws can be ignored and law breakers rewarded by Obama, just because Obama was tired of Congress doing nothing to right the broken immigration system. Or did he really sign an EO to avoid facing the new GOP led Congress, and the possibility of getting a bill on his desk that would not be to his liking?
If the POTUS can ignore the laws of our land; and if five million law breakers can be rewarded and not deported; why should people abide with a legal finding not to their liking. After all, they are ENTITLED and more than likely their president will sign an EO in the end granting them forgiveness of their lawless acts, too?
Any comments, views and opinions on the above are welcome. :smilewinkgrin:
Case in point ... last night after the Ferguson GJ announced it findings on the Michael Brown shooting, Obama goes on television calling for calm. Several times he speaks about this being a nation of laws, and the findings of this GJ was an example of the " rule of law" and we the people need to ABIDE with the rule of law.
Well I find that quite HYPOCRITICAL in that last week he circumvented and usurped the rule of CONSTITUTIONAL Law by lawlessly allowing five million law breakers freedom from the fear of deportation for the next three years, and the opportunity to feel what it's like to be Americans.
I guess the laws can be ignored and law breakers rewarded by Obama, just because Obama was tired of Congress doing nothing to right the broken immigration system. Or did he really sign an EO to avoid facing the new GOP led Congress, and the possibility of getting a bill on his desk that would not be to his liking?
If the POTUS can ignore the laws of our land; and if five million law breakers can be rewarded and not deported; why should people abide with a legal finding not to their liking. After all, they are ENTITLED and more than likely their president will sign an EO in the end granting them forgiveness of their lawless acts, too?
Any comments, views and opinions on the above are welcome. :smilewinkgrin: