I truely cant believe what I am reading from all of you. This is a matter of obeying the law and we are a country of laws. Obama could possibly take an oath of office to uphold these laws.
I dont care if it is a traffic ticket or perjury in a federal court, he especially should be setting an example and he chose to scoff at these tickets until there was a chance that they could damage his campaign. :BangHead:
I wouldn't care one iota if this was about Dick Cheney, GW Bush, or Newt Gringrich.
Film producer, this is a totally dishonest and disingenuous comment on your part. I've seen enough of your opinion to know that you are giving him a pass because he is black and is your candidate for POTUS.
It is not the point whether you agree with the law or not, it must be obeyed and followed and go through the proper channels to have it changed. Just the fact that he waited so long to pay them shows what kind of character this man has.
He paid them for political reasons only!
As far as skeletons in my closet, I have a few weaknesses of the flesh but I am breaking no laws that I am aware of. Before I accepted Christ into my life, I had some stolen items in my home. When I got saved I returned these items to their rightful owner years later with an apology.
Obama's situation is different. It was a premeditated plan to get these fines paid before they came out during his run for the nomination.
I am not saying that Obama is an evil and bad man, but he is politics as usual and I thought that is what everyone was getting sick and tired of.
This is all I am going to say on this subject but I will say that I am disappointed in some of you.:tear: