So, in your world, everything does not mean everything. Now I understand.
let me clear this up a bit. It is an honest mistake on your part.
Here is my original post you respoded to....
Originally Posted by steaver
And this means what? It is a non-issue. The issue is "have NOTHING to do with the unfruitful works of darkness". Do you reject this instruction from our Lord?
"Nothing" includes "Everything" .
You responded with....
Dragonfly......Are you positive that the man who owns the gas station you buy gas at is pro-life? How about the cooks or waitresses in the restaurants you frequent? You better check. After all, you said, "EVERYTHING," right?
Now if you take what I said...""
Nothing" includes "Everything" will see that is was a direct conclusion I made concerning the previous..."
have NOTHING to do with the unfruitful works of darkness".
Now take what "
Nothing" is reffering to in the scripture. It is "
unfruitful works of darkness". This is why in my last post I capitalized "WORKS". I thought it would make my reference to "
nothing means everything" most clear.
Now if you read my post again you would see that my "
everything" is refering to all (or
that would aid with the actual "
unfruitful WORK". Nothing more, nothing less. See some want to say that they are doing no wrong against this scripture because they are not doing the actual killing. But the scripture cannot be divided improperly that way. Thus my statement "Nothing means Everything".
This includes supporting the candidate which openly helps the unfruitful work to be done. It would not include buying food from cooks or gas from gas men. These type of people are just surviving by selling a product. They are not asking for my support or help to carry out their aggenda which in Obama's case includes murdering children in the wombs.
Its just like driving the get away car. The driver didn't do the actual robbery, but the driver did have
something to do with the unfruitful work of darkness. Then maybe they drive to their cousin's house and they hide them. Now the cousin is in on the unfruitful work of darkness. It is the exact same for the voter who supports a pro-murder candidate, they are violating God's command to have NOTHING to do with the unfruitful works of darkness.
You cannot dismiss your invovlement in abortion just because you did not actually perform one. If you aided in any way through supporting those who have power to vote to keep it going then you are indeed aiding in the works of darkness and disobeying God's Word.
God Bless! :thumbs: