The Wall Street Journal reports that families in the top two tax brackets would see the value of the tax break for their donations to charity limited. "Households paying taxes at the 33% and 35% rates can currently claim deductions at those rates. Under the Obama proposal, they could deduct only 28% of the value of those payments," the report says.
The tax increase would reduce the tax break on a charitable donation of $1000 from the current $350 to $280, a 20% decrease in the benefit. That figure will increase even more in 2010, when the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 are set to expire. The Obama Administration plans to allow the top tax brackets go up to 39.6 percent, further reducing the value of the deduction for giving. Throw in the president's identical proposal to reduce the value of the mortgage interest deduction for top bracket tax filers, and the combined tax increases could cause a substantial decrease in charitable giving among the well off. Since the wealthy give more to charity proportionally than any other income group, the less fortunate could see a reduction in services as a result of cut backs at charities from the resulting decrease in donations
Interesting comment section follow article.
I'm not sure that I'm understanding this: If income is in a tax bracket of 28%, and I deduct charitable givings from income....... then I've reduced my tax liability at the 28% rate..... or so I would think..... That means for every thousand I give to charity was at an out of pocket cost of only $720 effective income reduction because my uncle Sam was going to have claim to the $280 anyway. But this sounds like its a special cap on charity deductions which requires a separate computation! This is an unfair penalty on the rich for making charity their choice and not the government. Talk about the complexities of income tax!
More trickle down economics which will hurt both poor and rich. Already, many independant charities are being tied in to standards based upon one's qualifying for government programs. Increased taxes are coming: and further enslavement and dependancies on government.
Behold! He cometh quickly! The tax man cometh! Look out!:tonofbricks: