I personally believe that all of this new racial tension would not have come about had Mr. Obama not rushed to judgement by sending three White House representatives to the funeral of Michael Brown.
That one incident sent the WRONG message to Ferguson residents and other fringe elements around the country looking for an excuse to stir up more trouble and kick up dust. It is not the black minorities marching with the protesters, but the leftovers from same fringe group (AKA Occupy Wall Street) that tried to cause a revolution of sorts by taking over cities and parks a few years back.
These people are using the black issue and the strained relationship the killing of Brown and Garner has caused to ramp up the old lynch mob mentality. It will die out in due time, as the majority of blacks around this country do not want to slip back to the fifties and sixties in race relations.
With that said, Obama, Holder, Farakhan , de Blasio and Sharpton are PERSONALLY responsible for the whipping up a racial frenzy over Brown and Garner and psychologically unhinged persons like the nut job who killed the two NYPD cops, felt empowered and took their marching orders to the place of acting on the emotion of the moment.
So I have to ask ... will the nation and history hold these men responsible for their actions and words years from now? And should the POTUS be impeached for trying to divide the nation by opening old wounds?
The role of POTUS is to hold a nation together in times like these regardless on their own bias and prejudices. Obama has bent over backwards to divide and make things worse, when his legacy would have really been polished by not permitting race to be involved or tied into this recent tension.
The only problem we face as Americans is police brutality. And Obama would have done well to go down that road, but only after ALL the grand jury decisions were in and announced. :flower:
That one incident sent the WRONG message to Ferguson residents and other fringe elements around the country looking for an excuse to stir up more trouble and kick up dust. It is not the black minorities marching with the protesters, but the leftovers from same fringe group (AKA Occupy Wall Street) that tried to cause a revolution of sorts by taking over cities and parks a few years back.
These people are using the black issue and the strained relationship the killing of Brown and Garner has caused to ramp up the old lynch mob mentality. It will die out in due time, as the majority of blacks around this country do not want to slip back to the fifties and sixties in race relations.
With that said, Obama, Holder, Farakhan , de Blasio and Sharpton are PERSONALLY responsible for the whipping up a racial frenzy over Brown and Garner and psychologically unhinged persons like the nut job who killed the two NYPD cops, felt empowered and took their marching orders to the place of acting on the emotion of the moment.
So I have to ask ... will the nation and history hold these men responsible for their actions and words years from now? And should the POTUS be impeached for trying to divide the nation by opening old wounds?
The role of POTUS is to hold a nation together in times like these regardless on their own bias and prejudices. Obama has bent over backwards to divide and make things worse, when his legacy would have really been polished by not permitting race to be involved or tied into this recent tension.
The only problem we face as Americans is police brutality. And Obama would have done well to go down that road, but only after ALL the grand jury decisions were in and announced. :flower:
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