If my memory serves me correctly, the last Democrat President we had also was twice sworn into office with a Bible (maybe not Lincoln's, but it was a Bible) being held by the next Secretary of State.
I'm really thrilled that while placing his hand on the Bible he swore to uphold, protect & defend the US Constiution. Too bad he didn't bother swear to uphold what that Bible told him to do in Exodus 20.
And, for the purposes of revealing my bi-partisanship, I venture to say that his successor didn't do much better at it, nor did most of the last Democrat president's predecessors (R or D).
To wit: Which military action since the US joined the UN in which our military forces were engaged (none of which were constituionally authorized by a declaration of war by the US Congress) resulted in a complete, un-questioned, decisive victory for the US? And upon such an obvious victory all of our military forces were then immediately withdrawn back to within the borders of the US so that additional tax money wouldn't be spent funding the DoD's bare-bones budget in all of the places we really need our military forces be located after achieving such an incredible, awesome victory?
Well, let's see there was .... ah ..... um.....
Can any of my BB friends out there help me out on this one?
If one wishes to point to Desert Storm as such a case in point, remember that Bush I was first criticized for stopping at the Kuwaiti border and not pursuing Saddam all the way to the northern borders of Iraq. Then, with Bush II in command, we claimed to have done that (Remember "Mission Accomplished" in 2003?). Moreover, Bush I saw both Shield and Storm not primarily as a US military venture (assuming, I suppose, that a constitutional declaration of war would therefore be unnecessary) but rather as proof positive of how successful the joint forces of THE NEW WORLD ORDER would, once-and-for-all, finally make all the Middle East secure for all people living in that part of the world.
Bravo for Bush I, right?