Just to tack on:
It wasn't "cause and effect"; it wasn't "government research" that caused the use of the internet for commerce. It was entrepreneurs who took what was once a simple, stove-piped, single-use system and saw its potential, and turned it into something much, much more.
Absolutely. As you were growing up, as you were going to school, as you were receiving advice, these were all the same people who told you: Work hard, and you'll get ahead.This is true. The statement is so generic it must be true. But successful business people don't think of help "along the line" as being what Obama describes. Successful business people give credit to mentors that helped them in their specific business endeavor, or else give credit to investors, or else to family members that encouraged them to follow their dreams of owning a business.If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.
Um...roads and bridges are for the benefit of all people. Our forefathers didn't wait for roads and bridges and trains to be built. They forged ahead. And if you want your business to succeed, you don't wait for the government to build a road; you make it happen.Well, duh. BTW, it's not an investment it's taxing the citizens and spending the money for the greater good. Nobody gets inspiration for creating a new product by contemplating how wonderful the interstate highway system is. Notice again that Obama is giving credit to a government program.Somebody invested in roads and bridges.
Absolutely correct; the president has told an out-and-out Al Gore-ism. The internet was created to share research. It was later adapted for communications. THEN someone came along and started using it for commerce.The internet wasn't originally conceived for commerce. But someone had a brilliant idea to adapt a government run entity for profit.The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
It wasn't "cause and effect"; it wasn't "government research" that caused the use of the internet for commerce. It was entrepreneurs who took what was once a simple, stove-piped, single-use system and saw its potential, and turned it into something much, much more.
But we can't establish socialism without it....Really, this whole "it takes a government to be successful" is sickening. Obama ought to be ashamed at himself.