777 said:You were TOLD to pull that and it hasn't passed noticed that you still have no link to it.
Excuse me? I was told? Who told me? Why do you believe it was pulled? What was it even about? You have proof to any of these accusations? The fact of the matter is you KNOW NOTHING about the ad other than it's title. There is no link to the ad because WE ASKED TO HAVE IT REMOVED from ifilm. What gives you the right to smear my Christian character so publically and repeatedly? I have told you what happened repeatedly in this thread. I have no reason to lie about it. I am greatly offended. You have crossed the line from a political debate to downright slander. As a representative of a company, especially a Christian company, your accusations are very serious and could greatly damage my reputation, not to mention that of my company.
I don't mention the other ads because they were never seen by anyone. They were shelved. Oh, and I don't brag about the "Bushwhacker" ad, either. Unless one were to read the biography section the film's website I'm sure they would not even have known about it. It was put in the biography because it is relevant to my career as a film producer. Think of it as a mini resume.
Why is it that you and PS feel so confident as to what I FEEL and what I THINK? You post my quotes, but don't even mention that I was attacked for being dishonest and disingenous in the first place. I could care less about non-issues. I find them irrelevant. Just because you find them informative and inspiring, and whatever else does not mean I have to. That does not make me hypocritical, dishonest, or disingenous. Oh, and the thread was closed because it reached the 3 page limit.
I have apologized many times. Fairly recently I apologized to Bro. Curtis.
Here: http://www.baptistboard.com/showthread.php?p=935388#post935388
I wasn't implying you were dumb, nor was I trying to accuse you. I was reacalling a specific argument in the BC debate. Sorry, should have worded it differently.I simply meant that I believe it is possible to win souls and at the same time protect our environment. Witnessing to the lost should be our primary concern, but I don't think it is grounds to negate our responsibilty of being stewards of the earth God gave us.
I have also in the recent past apologized to El Geuro at least twice. I don't remeber the threads, but I'm sure they are easy to find. A while back I made a pretty big word ommission and had to profusely apology to Brother Bob. I did so privately and publically. I have no qulams about admitting my mistakes. I am glad to do so especially if I offend someone.
I do not consider myself an expert on race relations, far from it. I do pay close attention to the issues facing the black community but because of personal reasons. I will not apologize for that.
At any rate you will get your wish. I do not feel comfortable posting on the BB any longer. My husband has a vision and a desire to continue to produce good, clean, quality entertainment. He feels as if the entertainment industry is one of the most under utilized areas by Christians, and I agree. You may scoff at the idea, I don't know, and really I don't care if you do. I believe in him and his vision, and I cannot be a party to anything that could damage his ministry. Your accusations have hurt me, but I fear they may have hurt him and his ministry as well. That I just cannot live with.
I do wish the BB well. I have met, well not literally, many wonderful people here. I will continue to pray for all of you and your ministries. May God bless you and keep you well! :wavey: :tear: