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Obama warns Supreme Court

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Well-Known Member
Thank you for that refreshing post which is light years in understanding ahead of those who belittle those of us who refuse to vote for someone with the character of Romney.

I have yet to find a candidte any better than what we have Ron Paul sure doesn't fit the bill, nor Buchanon I would vote for J. C. Watts in heartbeat but he isn't running. Herman Cain was the guy I originally was looking at and we see how they did him. People voted for Perot and we got Bill Clinton. When there are no choices you either 1 don't vote for any of the above or the lesser of two evils that have a shot to win. The problem we have is too many christians vote for their party instead of how God leads and we have this mess. Too christians who could make a difference like a J.C. Watt won't run so we the people get stuck with the choice Romney, Newt, Santorum or God forbid Ron Paul. Of course you could vote for Mr. Nader or someone like that who want to destraoy this nation even more.

Then you have this guy:

Or this one:

Hey this guy is a KJV candidate:


A Lot of other choices that haven't got a cahnce in the world of stopping a Socialist like President Obama. You seem to think just because someone will vote for Romney they are anti-Christ, they aren't many Christians will vote for President Obama just like they did last time and they are still Christians but they vote for their families party, many voted for McCain because they are voting for their families party the republican party. But some look at it this time at who has the best shot at stopping the Obama debacle, and that will be the Republican candidate.

We need to ensure the a conversative sweep into the Senate and Congress with a 2/3 majority to override vetoes. That is the best and only way to ensure the President is unable to carry out his socialist agenda. If we have a conservative Senate and Congress Romney, Santorum or any of the others are held in check.

Since congress sets spending and the bufdet we strong fiscal conservatives there. We as christians need to understand noone can legislate morals, we can't legislate racism out of society any more than we can any other immoral thing we see, why because mankind are totally depraved and do evil continually. The only way to stop immorality is for christians to catch fire and seek for a great awakening like we had early in this nation. That will change the morals not legislation. Get people saved don't try to legislate their behavior cause that doesn't work, look how many we have in prisons today who have committed crimes such as rape and murder. Can't legislate it out we must reach folks for the Lord and that through our witness not trying to get those in office to pass laws to try and get change, we see what happened last time folks voted for change we got President Obama.


New Member
You have lots of good points, and no, I will not be voting for any of the three nut cases you gave me links to. I guess that since Reagan, all one can see is a deterioration of the Republican Party and the quality of the candidate. McCain was the last straw. On top of that, Romney has taken the downward progress to a new level.

It has been many, many years since one could say, "Either candidate would make a good President, but my choice is B since he or she believes this and that." Now, we say to ourselves, "Three hundred million Americans, and these are the final two. What have we done to ourselves? It is difficult imaginining who is going to do the least damage."

I guess the bottom line for me is how low can someone get before all the people on this board do not vote for them. If Adolph Hitler got the Republican nomination, would they still vote the ticket? What is a minimal acceptable candidate? I mean, are we ignoring all the facts about Romney and giving him a pass because he has not burned down churches?

My gut feeling is that Obama is going to win in a close election, but not sure.
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Well-Known Member
You have lots of good points, and no, I will not be voting for any of the three nut cases you gave me links to. I guess that since Reagan, all one can see is a deterioration of the Republican Party and the quality of the candidate. McCain was the last straw. On top of that, Romney has taken the downward progress to a new level.

It has been many, many years since one could say, "Either candidate would make a good President, but my choice is B since he or she believes this and that." Now, we say to ourselves, "Three hundred million Americans, and these are the final two. What have we done to ourselves? It is difficult imaginining who is going to do the least damage."

I guess the bottom line for me is how low can someone get before all the people on this board do not vote for them. If Adolph Hitler got the Republican nomination, would they still vote the ticket? What is a minimal acceptable candidate? I mean, are we ignoring all the facts about Romney and giving him a pass because he has not burned down churches?

My gut feeling is that Obama is going to win in a close election, but not sure.

When I was young I asked my Dad about his politics he told me he was a conservative democrat, yes they existed but are preety much extinct today. Many knew their parents voted for this party or that and still vote that way not realize they could have been conservative democrats. Dad voted for DEM governors but for Nixon against Kennedy and Goldwater yes he voted for Barry against Johnson. He was a huge George Wallace suppporter and the American Party as it was under Wallace.

Now we have very few true conservatives, Romney is a left leaning moderate. McCain was a moderate. We have Santorum who is a little right of moderate. I nation needs people coming to Christ and we need to stop depending on manmade fixes in our elected officials. J. C. Watts is the best candidate that didn't run, but who can blame him with the attacks that would have come upon his family. Look what happened with Herman Cain.
We need to pray for our nation and it's leaders, I do every morning for God to provide safety for our President, his cabinet, Vice President Biden and the two leaders of the legislative branches along with all members of the houses of congress. I asked that he send witnesses to them so they can come to salvation. I also pray God will raise up a candidate that will do that which is right in His eyes and guide us in that decision. The question we need to ask even of Romney will he do that which is right in God's eyes? He is a man of faith, whether we agree doctrinally or not, President Obama claims to be a man of faith but we see what we have with him.


Well-Known Member
if it was Adolf Hitler, PeeWee Herman, or even Mitt Romney, I would vote aganst Obama no matter who it is.


Adolf Hitler was very charismatic and very convincing to the German people that is why they voted him to power. It cost them dearly, do we need to learn a lesson from that history? I believe so but we are seeing that now with who we have. Our legisilative branch and Judiciary branch has the responsibility of keeping the executive in check as each of the 3 branches are to do in our nation. Sounds like the Judicial branch may be doing what 1/2 of the legislative branch was trying to do and couldn't get the upper house to cooperate. PeeWee Herman wouldn't be running unless he were the VP candidate under the current president. I know God lifts up and tears down governments.

Job 12:23 He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again.

God knows who He wants to lead our nation and sometimes He has to place a President Obama in place to bring us back to Him as a nation or we will fall in destruction, God will work His will.


New Member
Adolf Hitler was very charismatic and very convincing to the German people that is why they voted him to power. It cost them dearly, do we need to learn a lesson from that history? I believe so but we are seeing that now with who we have. Our legisilative branch and Judiciary branch has the responsibility of keeping the executive in check as each of the 3 branches are to do in our nation. Sounds like the Judicial branch may be doing what 1/2 of the legislative branch was trying to do and couldn't get the upper house to cooperate. PeeWee Herman wouldn't be running unless he were the VP candidate under the current president. I know God lifts up and tears down governments.

Job 12:23 He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again.

God knows who He wants to lead our nation and sometimes He has to place a President Obama in place to bring us back to Him as a nation or we will fall in destruction, God will work His will.

Yes, sometimes we get the leader we want, but God always makes sure we get the leader we deserve....for our own correction and good.



New Member
>>But that brings up an even stickier situation, doesn't it? What happens if the Supreme Court strikes it down, and the President ignores that and tries to enforce it? States then have legal precedent to refrain from complying ... which would necessarily lead to the President having to make a decision about how to deal with that state, or those states, that refuse to comply. And in an election year, no less.

>So that said, what would our founding fathers do about this?

Our Founding Fathers would have expected the states who were unwilling to pull out of the US as the Declaration of Independence authorized and encouraged.


New Member
>>But that brings up an even stickier situation, doesn't it? What happens if the Supreme Court strikes it down, and the President ignores that and tries to enforce it? States then have legal precedent to refrain from complying ... which would necessarily lead to the President having to make a decision about how to deal with that state, or those states, that refuse to comply. And in an election year, no less.

>So that said, what would our founding fathers do about this?

Our Founding Fathers would have expected the states who were unwilling to pull out of the US as the Declaration of Independence authorized and encouraged.

Ok, what if Obama loses the election?, but then decides hat Iran is a direct threat to our country, and he attacks them?

Then, he says that the situation is too crucial for a government change right now and insists on staying in power.

Then, because of the backlash of this, he declares Marshall Law.

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