Very good post... I believe Paul said it best when he said to be in the world but don't become like the world or you are no better than those who are the world. I still believe it takes more courage and strength to love your enemies than it does to do the natural reaction and hate them. Likewise it is a greater man who can do good to those who oppose him. I really believe Jesus got that one right.
So, you are suggesting that we should not hate a Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Castro or any one that has the same disregard to the sanctity of human life, as does Obama and loves more the pursuit of their own political means? Yes, Obama fits right in with the above group of the infamous.
When Christ was speaking of loving your enemies He was not speaking of Caesar. He was, in context, speaking of how we should love not only our own personal neighbors but our own personal enemies as well. If people do not heed to the things that He spoke of here, society breaks down. And a nation crumbles from within.
Nations must do the necessary thing to protect itself from all enemies. God directed as much to Israel in the OT. One enemy had a tent spike driven through his skull while he slept in his tent. If a nation does not build walls (the necessary thing for protection) it will be over run with enemies.
JustChristian said:
I don't support everything Obama does. Where did you come up with that. I don't support everything anyone has done except Jesus Christ. Why do you find it necessary to combine your religion with your politics? Christians are not mean-spirited. You seem to think they are. You need to think about that.
I find it very compelling that many here are willing to impose a moral Christian value on a "secular government" in regards to torture but completely disregard any moral Christian value on the individual choice of abortion because it is deemed legal.