Obama's Big Economy Speech: No Hope, No Change
President Obama’s campaign speech on the economy today was an utter disaster for him. It was a bromide of tired old arguments, pathetic blame-placing, and shopworn con tricks. And even liberals like Jonathan Alter had to admit that it was, overall, a dramatic failure.
He began where he always does: with blame...Blame Bush.
After all else had failed, Obama played Republican – proclaiming that he’s a tax-cutter and ignoring the fact that he has called for tax increases, and that come January 2013, Americans will face the widely-dreaded taxmageddon; shouting that he’s a deficit-reducer even as he jacks up the deficit to record rates; bragging about how he’s a low-spending president when he is clearly the highest-spending president in American history by a long shot.
Obama's Big Economy Speech: No Hope, No Change
President Obama’s campaign speech on the economy today was an utter disaster for him. It was a bromide of tired old arguments, pathetic blame-placing, and shopworn con tricks. And even liberals like Jonathan Alter had to admit that it was, overall, a dramatic failure.
He began where he always does: with blame...Blame Bush.
After all else had failed, Obama played Republican – proclaiming that he’s a tax-cutter and ignoring the fact that he has called for tax increases, and that come January 2013, Americans will face the widely-dreaded taxmageddon; shouting that he’s a deficit-reducer even as he jacks up the deficit to record rates; bragging about how he’s a low-spending president when he is clearly the highest-spending president in American history by a long shot.