You are partially right, from those I encounter on the streets and in my travels, Republican's are simply showing their true colors. It is really making some who drifted from the party wonder how they were ever part of that bunch. You see how they approval ratings remain consistently low with all the negative things the Democrats have done of late.
Republican's have become this closed organization who have done nothing but find fault with every effort being made. They have no other suggestion but tax cut yet criticize those who try. The nation and world economy got in this mess during a time of massive tax cuts and while they were in control and now somehow they are the ones who are suddenly economic experts and should be giving the advice. If their philosophy was going to work, we would have avoided ever being here because all the Bush tax cuts would have steered us passed this island.
This thread is another great example. All Republican's can do is find fault, find fault, find fault. What's more sad is how only the IPOD is mentioned. It's all over the conservatives news and blogs, the IPOD. There is no admission the queen requested it and not one Republican referenced the expensive rare song book. In my view that is lying and liars... Well, you read scripture..
What I am seeing is the few who still claim to belong to the right are drawing closer together in their hatred and opposition to anyone not in their group. They call themselves the "loyal opposition" which really opposing, twisting and labeling everyone else. They are the elitist if anyone is.
Now get this, their logic is if they can be anti anything happening for the next two years they feel the world will love them and support their views again. What most of us on the outside see is a bunch of spoiled brats who are mad because they lost "top dog" position. They look like the spoiled kid who took his ball and went home but they don't see it when they look in the mirror. It's comical is what it is...
Oh, and so I don't forget anything.... They withdraw into the party of victims mode when the press don't publish things to their satisfaction but look how they twist and bend the truth. This thread is a great example. I wonder if they ever read that you reap what you sow?
Look at this headline...
Teasing and mocking??? Are these adults or children? Who do they think wants to be part of that? Teasing and mocking??? If that's the strategy they should get used to the minority title cuz their going to have it a long time...