Millions of folks worldwide have HIV and/or AIDS. It's not my place to determine why each & every one got the disease. No doubt...some got it due to sinful choices. Some are innocent victims. Some will say they got it in one manner, but they got it in another. It's not important at that point.
All that matters for me is that I'm supposed to minister to them. I'm not supposed to compromise the truth...but at the same time, we are all sinners, and we all have had consequences of sin befall us. My job is to minister to them, share the gospel with them, and show them the love of matter if they're disease-free, or eaten up with AIDS.
I have a dear friend who is HIV positive. He accepted Christ several years ago, because someone befriended him, didn't treat him like a leper, and told him about Jesus.
When we dwell too much on why people get this disease (to the exclusion of what are job is now)...we've missed the point; much like the disciples did when they asked Jesus, "did this man sin, or his parents (to cause his illness)." (sorry...paraphrase mine)
All that matters for me is that I'm supposed to minister to them. I'm not supposed to compromise the truth...but at the same time, we are all sinners, and we all have had consequences of sin befall us. My job is to minister to them, share the gospel with them, and show them the love of matter if they're disease-free, or eaten up with AIDS.
I have a dear friend who is HIV positive. He accepted Christ several years ago, because someone befriended him, didn't treat him like a leper, and told him about Jesus.
When we dwell too much on why people get this disease (to the exclusion of what are job is now)...we've missed the point; much like the disciples did when they asked Jesus, "did this man sin, or his parents (to cause his illness)." (sorry...paraphrase mine)