Why does the wild eyed fanatical right wing Republicans hate America? They are exhibiting Hanoi Jane behavior.
Hello, and welcome to....'Delusional Right Wing Propaganda!' I'm your host, Dink Stalin.
Today, we welcome our first speaker, one you all know, that crazy and far-out man from Canada, the man without a plan, the man who knows only what he hears from public radio, CTB!
So tell us CTB, what have you heard from the freedom loving, hard-working, wild-eyed fanatical right wing Republican people of America lately?
"Well, somewhere I heard, that they are exhibiting Jane Fonda behavior."
"And where did you hear this stunning news CTB?"
"Well, right after I got my government check, I went to the local bar to cash it. It was there, that I heard an unimpeachable source say,"Hey, this isn't a Pink Lady, it's a Shirley Temple!"
"Oh, my gosh, CTB.....say it isn't so...."
"I know!...(shudders)
"Try to be brave CTB, what happened then?"
"That's when it happened!"
"You don't mean......"
"YES!.......(with a crying sob).....They....they.......showed Barbarella.......WITHOUT the opening moving credit letters to cover her up!"
"Oh, the horror." (Spelling it correctly so as not to get banned).
"You must have been mortified. Well,.....join us tomorrow when Mrs. Al. A. Tide is our guest and tells us of the terror she witnessed as a little girl during the 'Blitz of England'.
Until then, good night, and may all your dreams be government sponsored. Good Night!":tongue3:
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