Thanks Obama...what a joke!
So Geithner can avoid paying his taxes and be given the job of Treasury Secretary by Obama? Amazing...Obama sure knows how to run a country...LOL!
Timothy Geithner is well on his way to being confirmed as treasury secretary after an 18-5 Finance Committee vote on Thursday to forward the recommendation to the full Senate, but his supporters may want to advise him to double check his automated tax returns before submitting them.
Geithner cited the software program TurboTax in testimony before the Finance Committee Wednesday, saying he failed to include self-employment taxes in his federal returns for two years.
Geithner said to his recollection, the program did not prompt him to report income and pay self-employment taxes.
"I mistakenly believed that I was meeting my obligations fully, including self-employment taxes, but I did not prepare my returns in a way that caught that mistake initially," Geithner told the committee, adding "these are my responsibility, not the tax software responsibility."
TurboTax, which has approximately 18 million customers a year and annual revenue of $1 billion, is made for the average taxpayer, said Scott Gulbransen, a spokesman for TurboTax
So Geithner can avoid paying his taxes and be given the job of Treasury Secretary by Obama? Amazing...Obama sure knows how to run a country...LOL!
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