Don't you recall that when I provided the case of the Law, where God obligated Israel to keep it when God knew fully well they were totally unable to keep it and yet justly condemned them for failing to keep it? At that time I charged you with denying that Biblical based factual reality and denying that God can justly condemn what man could not do. Indeed, I charged that this had been your argument against me as long as I could remember. You challenged me to find a single post where you denied this. Now you admit that you deny it but only acknowledge it when you were a calvinist. So which is it?
What I denied is the assertions that God COULD NOT justly condemn law breakers. He could. I'm debating if he WOULD based on what we know from biblical revelation. That may seem like a small distinction from your perspective but its a big one from ours because we aren't attempting to argue that God owes us grace. He didn't have to provide the 'good news' to off set the 'bad news.' He didn't have to send his Son, or the gospel truth. He
could have condemned us all.
Secondly, you were accusing me of not understanding your view, but I was saying that I not only understand it, but I used to believe it.
Thirdly, I now believe that men are condemned only for their unbelief (as explained). The LAW was never given for the purpose of attaining righteousness, thus how can one stand condemned by the law UNLESS they choose to stay under it by trading the truth of God in for lies and refusing to accept God's clear revelation? Men are condemned because they remain in unbelief, period.
In regard to the permissive will versus God's will of delight I don't care to detour again into that discussion. The bottom line is that whenever you deal with my "system" you represent my "system" as making God the author of sin which might be YOUR VIEW of my system but it is certainly not MY VIEW of my own system. I believe YOUR VIEW of my system which you consistently READ INTO what you say I BELIEVE is based solely upon misrepresentation of the facts as well as my viewpoint.
I will say this. I would much rather discuss these issues with you than any other Arminian on this forum. You are much more reasonable and objective than the others. I have just decided to drop all discussion with the others because it always digresses more quickly.
And you likewise seem very educated in your views, which is nice.
And both sides will tend to misrepresent the others perspective, but you must remember that there are various approaches to these issues within your 'camp.' Just as there are in mine. We must be careful not to presume someone is intentionally misrepresenting, when in fact they may be coming at the same view from a different perspective. On the other side, we should also be gracious with each other in our attempt to help them see it from our point of view and understand that even our point of view MAY logically take one to a conclusion that one's system doesn't necessarily adopt as true. Both sides have these quandaries...I just happen to believe your side has many more than mine.