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Intgeresting that when Joseph died, his angel picked right back up with EW!
That 'angel of light' certainly gets around
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Intgeresting that when Joseph died, his angel picked right back up with EW!
Well. spoke to Eve, then Mohammad, then Joseph, Ellen and loads of others, like Jim Jones!That 'angel of light' certainly gets around![]()
EGW insulted Jesus by sayin Jesus = the archangel Michael = Jesus.
She had to revise her prophecy for the time of "the end' several times insteada just admitting she was wrong, as her predecessor Miller did after the "Great Disappointment" of 1844.
Her good friend, Dr. Benjamin Wilkinson, wrote the book that became the "foundation stone" of the current false KJVO myth.
Following some of her "diets" can lead to illnesses with possibly fatal outcomes.
She & her SDA cult can "talk the talk", pretending to be fine, upstanding Christians to prospective members, until they get one to become enthralled with the cult. Then, their TRUE BELIEFS are slowly unloaded on the newbie. No matter what the SDAs here holler, I know enough ex-SDAs to know what I'm talking about.
Same as other quasi/pseudo-Christian cults, it's as insidious as pancreatic cancer, not presenting too many cultic "symptoms" to the public, claimong publicly that Jesus is Lord, while constantly disobeying Him within their congregations. it puts many on the highway to hell.
Remember, when EGW was age 9, she was struck & seriously injured by a thrown rock, spending awhile in a coma. Before that, she'd been a normal girl. I believe she either had a demon, or some form of mental disorder due to her injury. She was a gifted demagogue & writer, far beyond her education, but many people BELIEVED she was super-smart & accepted her sayings & writings without question.
She took elements of pentecostalism, holiness movemant, & millerism, while adding a dose of her own hooey. Since all cults must have a gimmick to set each one apart from the others, while claiming to be the TRUE Church, she made hers the Saturday sabbath.
The rest is history.
Mormons, JW, and Sda all drink from same toxic well!EGW insulted Jesus by sayin Jesus = the archangel Michael = Jesus.
She had to revise her prophecy for the time of "the end' several times insteada just admitting she was wrong, as her predecessor Miller did after the "Great Disappointment" of 1844.
Her good friend, Dr. Benjamin Wilkinson, wrote the book that became the "foundation stone" of the current false KJVO myth.
Following some of her "diets" can lead to illnesses with possibly fatal outcomes.
She & her SDA cult can "talk the talk", pretending to be fine, upstanding Christians to prospective members, until they get one to become enthralled with the cult. Then, their TRUE BELIEFS are slowly unloaded on the newbie. No matter what the SDAs here holler, I know enough ex-SDAs to know what I'm talking about.
Same as other quasi/pseudo-Christian cults, it's as insidious as pancreatic cancer, not presenting too many cultic "symptoms" to the public, claimong publicly that Jesus is Lord, while constantly disobeying Him within their congregations. it puts many on the highway to hell.
Remember, when EGW was age 9, she was struck & seriously injured by a thrown rock, spending awhile in a coma. Before that, she'd been a normal girl. I believe she either had a demon, or some form of mental disorder due to her injury. She was a gifted demagogue & writer, far beyond her education, but many people BELIEVED she was super-smart & accepted her sayings & writings without question.
She took elements of pentecostalism, holiness movemant, & millerism, while adding a dose of her own hooey. Since all cults must have a gimmick to set each one apart from the others, while claiming to be the TRUE Church, she made hers the Saturday sabbath.
The rest is history.
EGW had a special talent for writing, as Hitler had a special talent for speaking. And many of these evildoers had a special assistant. EGW had her hubby Ebenezer, Hitler had Goebbels, Mao Tze-Tung has Chou En-Lai, Ahab had Jezebel, Joey Smith had Brigand Young. (Yes, I realize some of these were worse than others, but all have sent many people down the highway to hell.)
- SELECTED MESSAGES, Book 1, p. 299"Thus the work was hindered, and the world was left in darkness. Had the whole Adventist body united upon the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, how widely different would have been our history."
- Prophets and Kings, p.572"For three weeks Gabriel wrestled with the powers of darkness, seeking to counteract the influences at work on the mind of Cyrus; and before the contest closed, Christ Himself came to Gabriel's aid."
So did Joseph Smith, her contemporary!Ten-Furr on the drivel. But she attracted a lotta people to her writings 140 years ago.
many of her time thought that she was mentally affected by injuries suffered on her head as youth, others thought visions from satan!Mrs. White taught that in the communion service the sisters should wash the feet of the brethren (E.W.,p.117). Now this is considered so out of order that even S.D.A's do not follow this instruction.
Next, we wish to take another book written by Mrs. White. The following quotations will be taken from her book 'THE GREAT CONTROVERSY.' On page 546, she says, "In 1844, attended by heavenly angels, our great High Priest entered the holy of holies, and there appears in the presence of God, to engage in the last acts of His ministration in behalf of man-to perform the work of investigative judgment, and to MAKE ATONEMENT for all who are shown to be entitled to its benefits." (Quotes from 'Great Controversy', 1927 Ed.) Yet in Hebrews 9:26-28 your KJV says that Christ "put away sin, once, by the sacrifice of Himself" and "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many", and again in Hebrews 10:10, "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL", and in verse 14, "For by ONE offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified."
- SELECTED MESSAGES, Book 1, p. 299
The prophecies of GOD, given by a REAL prophet of God's, don't fail one bit for any reason.
She copied the SDA theology from James White(not the present one) who'd copied it from J. N. Andrews! GOOGLE IT FOR YOURSELF TO SEE !
She wrote, - Prophets and Kings, p.572
Proven false by Scripture.
GOD caused Daniel to write,in \Dan. 10:13, But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. (Angel Gabriel speaking)
Jesus is NOT one of the chief princes. He IS the Chief Prince!
Conclusion: EGW was a faker & a fakir !
Praise God. I tried going to the source in order not to misrepresent them.George, your understanding of the abundant defects contained in SDA doctrine is excellent.
IMO, they are not close to the truth, but rather light years from it.
A question if I may George Antonios, "Are you the presenter of this video, and if so, would you be willing to discuss the material in said video in detail, looking at specific statements and time indexes therein, by more personal correspondence (iow, email)." (If you are not the presenter that is in this video, the offer would still be open to you only.)
Yes. PM meA question if I may George Antonios, "Are you the presenter of this video, and if so, would you be willing to discuss the material in said video in detail, looking at specific statements and time indexes therein, by more personal correspondence (iow, email)." (If you are not the presenter that is in this video, the offer would still be open to you only.)
Correspondence sent.Yes. PM me
Even though now over a century old, his work still remains as THE standard reference book all christians should have to know and refute Sda doctrines!Observations Upon Sister White & SDA Doctrines – Part 5
Adventists slander ex-leader, Baptist pastor D. M. Canright
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.
In an attempt to discredit the character and testimony of the late D. M. Canright, an ex-Adventist with personal knowledge of the original inner elite circle of founders, our Adventist apologist, Alofa, has recommended we read, The Man Who Boarded the Phantom Ship. He further attempts to smear Pastor Canright by stating, “Even the Baptists that he associated himself with began to distance themselves from him. Do you know how he died?”
The author of Phantom Ship, Vance Ferrell, promises to tell us “What Happened to the Man who Dedicated His life to Attacking Historic Adventism and the Spirit of Prophecy.”
Citing the hearsay memory of an elderly man who alleges an event happening some 50 years earlier, according to the hearsay testimony of his now dead mother, Mr. Ferrell expects us to take his word that the hearsay memory of this single elderly hearsay witness should be trusted as Gospel truth, though the Bible requires a minimum of two corroborating actual witnesses.
Adventist Elder Ferrell has the luxury of citing the vaguest timeline in which the alleged incident occurred as “some time in the first or second decades of this [20th] century.”
His narrative continues as follows: (Source)
"One afternoon, while father and I were away at work, mother answered the door and admitted an elderly man who was selling a small book. When she looked at the title it read, ‘Gospel Primer,’ by J. E. White.
"Surprised, she said, ‘This is a Seventh-day Adventist book, isn’t it?’ to which the old gentleman replied, ‘Yes, ma‘am it is., ‘And are you a Seventh-day Adventist?’ she asked. To this he replied. ‘Well, I was a Seventh-day Adventist.’
"Upon asking him his name he replied that his name was Canright.
"‘Are you D. M. Canright?’ she asked.
"‘Yes, sister, I’m D. M. Canright.’
‘Are you that man who had so much light and who turned his back on it?’ mother asked.
"His response was significant. Said he, ‘Yes, sister, I am that man, and how often have I sought to find my way back but have been unable to do so.’
"As he was leaving he shook mother’s hand saying, as tears filled his eyes, ‘Sister, you have the truth, hold fast to it, never let it go. It is the very truth.’"—Letter from K. F. Ambs to D.A. Delafield, dated December 4, 1964.”
Even to the intellectually challenged this story is almost as believable as anything conjured by the Brothers Grimm. Unfortunately, for Elder Ferrell and his Adventist believers, it is an impossibility this alleged incident actually occurred.
Baptist pastor, Norman F. Douty, relentlessly pursued the history of D. M. Canright with the purpose of setting the record straight regarding the character and life of Baptist pastor Canright due to the outright lies perpetrated by Adventist administrators. His book, The Case of D. M. Canright, Seventh-day Adventist Charges Examined, may be found online here.
The detailed research performed by Pastor Douty was truly commendable. He left no stone unturned. Needless to say, he thoroughly refutes the charge that Canright was ‘cast out by the Baptists.’ He was beloved by all.
As to the credibility of the alleged incident some 50 years earlier as described in a 1964 letter written by an elderly Adventist, Pastor Douty has, in his possession, a photocopy of the sworn notarized statement given by Canright to attorney, Benn Corwin, dated March 8, 1916. In it he states:
(1) “I renounced Seventh Day Adventism in 1887, after 28 years’ experience in that church, because I had lost confidence in some of its chief doctrines.
(2) I have never once regretted that I withdrew from that church.
(3) A further study and experience have strongly confirmed my conviction, that, as a system, it is an error, and must in time, end in failure.
(4) I have never at any time, or anywhere, or to any person ever suggested that I wished to go back to that church.
(5) I believe now, just as I did in 1888, when I first published my book, ‘Seventh Day Adventism Renounced,’ now in its fourteenth edition.
(6) I gladly bear witness to the various excellent principles Adventists hold in common with Evangelical Churches. But these do not sanctify their numerous errors. I have only kindly feelings toward them.
(7) Deponent further says that he makes this affidavit for the purpose of correcting certain erroneous statements concerning himself, that have become current in various parts of the world.
(Signed) Dudley M. Canright
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of March, A.D. 1916, (Signed) Benn M. Corwin, Notary Public, Kent County, Michigan. My commission expires January 12, 1919” (p. 130).
CONCLUSION: Adventists cling to the 4th commandment as the foundational truth of their religion, yet they purposefully defame the 9th commandment. This is yet another example of their Pharisaical hypocrisy.
Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.