Alofa Atu
Well-Known Member
Time Index 11:55 - 12:41 -- "... So I'd like to show you some of the things that they teach and straight from the website []. [pause in speech] For example, for instance [click noise of mouse], they [Seventh-day Adventist] say this, "We reaffirm our conviction that her [Ellen G White] writings are divinely inspired. ..." Those are the writings of, M~ [Mary, self corrected], of uh, Ellen White. [scene change, to a selection of 'red' books, Original and Compilation in a circular pattern] So, Ellen White writes down - her writings, in different books (circling clockwise with mouse over books) like "The ADVENTIST HOME", "THE MINISTRY OF HEALING", "PRAYER", "Believe His PRPOHETS", "CHRIST's OBJECT LESSONS", EVANGELISM", "EDUCATION", Christian, uh ~ "Fundamentals of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION", "COUNSELS ON DIET and FOODS", They're very health conscious. Um, encouraging vegetarianism, and "GOSPEL WORKERS". [scene change back to the website previous] ..."
Well, there is a minor point to be made here in that some of the books were actually written by her, and others were simply compiled from various written materials of her through the years.
For instance:
The ADVENTIST HOME was published in AD 1952 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915.
THE MINISTRY OF HEALING was original with her, citing many health articles therein, in the year AD 1905.
PRAYER was published in AD 2002 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915.
Believe His PROPHETS was published in AD 2016 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915.
CHRIST'S OBJECT LESSONS was original with her, citing many health articles therein, in the year AD 1900.
EVANGELISM was published in AD 1946 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915, and word has it that it was partially, LeRoy Edwin Froom who had a hand in it.
EDUCATION was original with her, citing many health articles therein, in the year AD 1903.
Fundamentals of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION was published in AD 1923 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July16, 1915.
COUNSELS ON DIETS and FOODS was published in AD 1938 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915.
GOSPEL WORKERS was first issued in 1892, and the current revision is dated AD 1915.
THE MINISTRY OF HEALING was original with her, citing many health articles therein, in the year AD 1905.
PRAYER was published in AD 2002 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915.
Believe His PROPHETS was published in AD 2016 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915.
CHRIST'S OBJECT LESSONS was original with her, citing many health articles therein, in the year AD 1900.
EVANGELISM was published in AD 1946 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915, and word has it that it was partially, LeRoy Edwin Froom who had a hand in it.
EDUCATION was original with her, citing many health articles therein, in the year AD 1903.
Fundamentals of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION was published in AD 1923 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July16, 1915.
COUNSELS ON DIETS and FOODS was published in AD 1938 as a compilation after she had gone to sleep in the Lord Jesus Christ in AD July 16, 1915.
GOSPEL WORKERS was first issued in 1892, and the current revision is dated AD 1915.
On the matter of inspiration, yes, sister White was most certainly "divinely inspired", and this may be demonstrated in numerous ways as needful. She was as inspired as any in inspired persons in scripture, who had published works (Daniel), or as those who did not have published works (John the Baptist).
Sister White used a wide range of materials in association with what God had shown her in dream, or vision. She utilized health articles, such as in Ministry of Healing and Counsels on Diets and Foods, and educational materials for the book Education, and historical materials such as appears in Great Controversy (not listed above), and first and foremost the Bible amongst all of them.
Actually, if you read the written materials, we do not advocate 'vegetarianism' so much as we advocate Health Reform which is directly tied to the Everlasting Gospel, for what affects the body affects the mind and the clarity thereof, as it is written according to Scripture (KJB). For instance there is a difference between vegetarianism and veganism (both having theological aspects associated with pagan religions, and non scriptural practices associated also) and Biblical Health reform, or Genesis diet.
There is also a difference to be made in say "The Testimonies", etc and "the Great Controversy", etc, which may be discussed as needful.
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